The Evil League of Mutants

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        ~Normal POV~

     As lovely as a normal day in a botanical garden would be, why would there ever be a normal day in my life? I flew above the boys with the hover shell as crab men shot claws at them.

     "Okay. So that did not go as planned," Raph commented as they were strewn about on their shells. 

     "Maybe not the result you wanted, but the result I expected," Donnie glanced at his brother. "Ow," he let out a soft groan as red eyes peered at them from the bushes. I dropped down and pulled Donnie up and he grasped the Tech-Bo as he regained his footing.

     "We are getting our butts kicked on an everything level," Raph told us as Mikey examined the crab claw.

     "We've gotta do something to help," I nodded and engaged the hover shell once more. "I'll get everyone to safety. Think you guys can handle a couple crawfish?" I gave a small salute and took off, helping parents and their children away from where the mutants had stationed themselves.

     "Be sure to come again!" I waved the parents away before flying back into the garden to find the turtles. I came in to find the boys in a pile with Donnie on top, his Tech-Bo lying not too far away before a purple portal opened up under the crabs and they fell in.

     "That was not me," Leo quickly spoke up as they stood and looked at the now-fading portal. Donnie collected his Tech-Bo as we wandered out of the garden, me pulling the purple ninja along as he got distracted by something else he had seen.

     When we reached the lair, the boys flopped about as I moved to the bathroom to grab a first aid kit from under the sink. "We can't keep failing only to luck out at the last second," Raph spoke up as I reentered the room. He was resting in a beanbag chair while the others leaned against the arms of Splinter's recliner. "I know no one wants to hear it, but we need--"

     "Don't you dare say the T-word," Mikey cried before his brother could finish as I placed a bandage on his cheek where a small cut marked and a bruise was forming.

     "Training," Raph slumped at his word while I moved to Leo who would probably benefit more from an icepack. I stood and moved to the kitchen that wasn't too far, grabbing a cloth and wrapping some ice in it before walking back out and placing it in the boy's hand, raising it to his cheek for him and he held it there with a grateful smile.

     "What's training gonna do for us?" Leo asked as I moved in front of Donnie, not seeing any injuries on him and he gave me a thumbs up and I nodded, heading to put the first aid kit back, glad that they only had minor injuries.

     "Mystic weapons or not," their conversation faded back in as I leaned on the back of Splints' chair. "we need to get better at. . . everything," Raph stood up and stepped onto the arms of the chair and his brothers backed away. "When I look around at this room, I see nothing but potential. Who's ready to tap that potential, huh? Huh? Take it up a notch? You?" he pointed to Leo who flinched back from his brother's finger. "Be the best of the best? Yeah?" his encouragement elicited uncertain groans from the other turtles.

     "But who's gonna train us?" Leo sat with his arms crossed, his legs sprawled out in front of him. "Who's gonna be our sensei?"

     We silently made our way into Splinter's room and watched the sleeping rat. Leo sat on the end of the bed while Mikey leaned closer towards the middle as he observed their dad. Raph and Donnie stood side-by-side as they looked down on the sleeping man. I leaned against the entrance to the room with my arms crossed. The TV played quietly in the background as I glanced between the boys and their dad.

     "Master Splinter," Raph addressed his dad, formally and loudly, causing the man to jump a few feet in the air with wide eyes.

     "I swear I've never been to Dallas," Splinter yelled as he wrapped the blanket around himself tightly as he saw me at the door and I nodded for him to look behind him. He spun and saw the boys, Donnie and Raph having more serious expressions and Leo and Mikey looking worried.

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