Fists of Furry

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        ~Normal POV~

     Splinter was rambling on about something while I sat in my own thoughts, the Turtles doing their own thing as well. I was taken out of my mind by Splinter raising his voice at us. "I'm trying to talk to you about my Lou Jitsu dojos!"

     "Wow," Leo looked at his dad excitedly. "Lou Jitsu dojos are a thing? Who knew?"

     "Only everybody," Splinter said, slightly annoyed with Leo's query. "It is the largest chain of dojos in the city," he informed us.

     "New York City?" Donnie asked for clarification.

     "No, Moon Base One City," he said sarcastically. "Of course New York City. Today is my long overdue dojo inspection day to make sure they are teaching my moves properly."

     "Even the Seven Deadly Vipers move?" Raph perked up at the idea.

     "The move they never show in the movies 'cause the mere mention of it makes your enemies surrender?" April added to Raph's question.

     "No, that move is a sacred secret," Splinter turned his head from us, letting us know he wouldn't speak of it. "Now, I was thinking I might take one of you along on my inspections."

     "You heard him, fellas," Raph stood suddenly, getting into a defensive position, along with his brothers. "Last one standing gets to go with Pops," A small scuffle broke out between the four, and I watched with an amused grin.

     "Looks like ol' Leo is the winner," the blue-clad turtle said tiredly before collapsing in the turtle pile and April bounced to her feet.

     "All right! I get to go!" she left the lair with Splinter, leaving me with the boys, not that I minded at all. Not long passed before the boys got to doing their own thing, my brain becoming occupied as I followed Donnie back to his lab.

     My body was on autopilot as it led me to a certain area, a wall that held the gifts he made for his brothers, only Leo's wasn't there; it was still missing. My eyes stayed on the empty slot, only being brought out of my thoughts when Donnie put a hand on my shoulder.

     "Y/n, are you okay?" he asked me, concern hidden behind his normal mask. My eyes darted between him and the empty space.

     "Don, do you ever wonder what happened to the collar you made for Leo?" I asked and the boy froze for a moment. "I just. . . er, sometimes I wonder what would happen if it ended up in the wrong hands."

     "I suppose the thought had occurred to me at some point," he said quietly. "As far as I know, it was destroyed when Meat Sweats got hit by the train while it was on his person."

     I bit my lip, letting Donnie pull me from the spot I had planted myself in. "If it makes you feel better, we can investigate and make sure it was destroyed," Donnie offered to me, eyes shifting over me carefully. I nodded silently, allowing the boy to pull me from the lab and to the skatepark where Mikey had his game set up Leo skating, and Raph lounging in his beanbag.

     "We're going out for a bit, need to check something out," Donnie informed his brothers who looked at us curiously.

     "In daylight? Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Raph peered at Donnie as he sat up straighter.

     "Not when you have a genius like me who can invent cloaking brooches in his lair," the soft-shelled turtle said proudly, pressing something in his gauntlet as shifted into his human disguise, his brothers watching in amazement.

     "Whoa, Donnie, that's sick!" Mikey was bouncing in his seat at the sight.

     "Yeah, when do we get these sweet cloaking brooches?" Leo slid down the ramp, staring at his twin's human form.

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