Bonus Chapter 2: Big Mama's Battle Nexus

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TW: description of a panic attack

        ~Normal POV~

     I sucked in a breath as I snapped my cloaking mask into place, staring up at the hotel in front of me. I stepped in cautiously before mocking confident strides as I got closer to the elevator. "I have an appointment with Big Mama," I informed the fox yokai who was the bellboy today.

     "Mum's watching over a match in her Battle Nexus at the moment," he peered down at me and I swallowed hard, forcing the noise to stay quiet.

     "Would it be possible for me to meet with her there?" I could feel my stomach churning at the thought before the fox pulled the walkie-talkie to his mouth, speaking into it, a garbled voice responding moments later.

     "Come with me," he entered the elevator, the machine shooting far down in the building to the basement that hid the gateway to the Battle Nexus. I followed nervously, the glowing green light making me uncomfortable as before we stepped through.

     "Mum is right up there, ready for you," the fox yokai peered at me and I gave him a meek nod before I headed up the steps to the VIP seats. The spider yokai didn't have her cloaking brooch activated and it made me more reluctant to meet up with her.

     "There you are!" she sounded gleeful at the sight of me, more so the deal I thought of making. "How are you liking the show?" her eyes glinted as the looked between me and the fight below.

     "Very. . . entrancing," I said slowly, testing her reaction as I stepped to the seat beside her. She squealed excitedly at a sword slashing at a yokai much larger than the fighter.

     "I do adore watching the weak being torn limb from limbity-limb," she cooed at the sight. With a shriek of cheers, my eyes shifted to see the smaller fighter get knocked to the ground, the larger yokai delivering a finishing blow to them.

     "About what I contacted you for," I started, the spider looking away from the fight.

     "Ah, yes, my bobbles," she hummed in thought. "I have quite the abundance," my brain blocked out anything that wasn't what I was looking for.

     "I was thinking something a bit more shocking?" I offered, leaning back as the spider peered at me. One of her hands snapped her fingers as an idea came to mind.

     "You mean that fun little toy Draxxy gave me?" I tensed and hoped Big Mama hadn't noticed as I forced my body to relax. I mocked interest, tilting my head to the side. "Ooh, I'll send someone to fetch it for us. Come, join me," she stood up suddenly, no longer interested in the ending of the match.

     She led me to her office where she began to write up a contract. "What can you offer my Battle Nexus in exchange?" she peered into me as she activated her cloaking brooch.

     "A new warrior," my brows furrowed at my offer, thoughts racing as I knew what I was going through. "Myself. I'm sort of trained with a sword and I can use a Bo staff," I continued.

     "All for this bobble?" she looked at me curiously. "This seems to mean something to you," her eyes seemed to narrow, and a knock at the door took her gaze off of me. "Come in."

     That's it. My eyes stuck on the collar, breath hitching in my throat at the sight of it. "Such a shame Draxxy never put it to good use," Big Mama hummed as she looked at the tech. "Perhaps I could," her pupils dilated, shifting between me and the tech. "Don't you think, Y/n?" I froze, breath taken away as she turned the contract to me.

     Was I dreaming? This was a dream, right? I wouldn't bring myself to Big Mama's Battle Nexus purposely, right? Especially not without telling any of the Turtles where I went. I moved my hand, pinching my opposite wrist, feeling pain shoot through the area.

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