Nothing But Truffle

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        ~Normal POV~

     Mikey came running into the lab while Donnie and I were lounging around, muttering about one thing or the other. We had gotten distracted from the upgrade of my tech staff after I mentioned being hungry, but neither of us moved to get any lunch. 

     "I need to borrow Y/n!" Mikey pulled on my wrist to tug me up and out the door. "Thanks, D!" the boy called back to his confused brother as he dragged me up and out of the lair. After a hike to the woods, he crept along the brush, observing the trailer parked in the middle of an opening. We headed to a decrepit wall from an abandoned building and hid behind it.

     "Mikey, why did you drag me all the way out here?" my legs were sore as I crouched beside the orange mutant, who had also decided we needed to pick up Mr. Nice, AKA, Todd the capybara. The smell of food cooking made my stomach growl and I wrapped my arms around my abdomen to try and quiet the noise.

     "There he is, guys--" Mikey cooed excitedly at the sight of the pig mutant. "the brilliant chef and my personal hero, Rupert Swaggart," the turtle leaned forward in his seat atop Todd's head.

     "All I see is that scary meat-sweats dude," Todd commented as he peered at the mutant.

     "Yeah, he's an evil mutant now," Mikey leaned forward to meet eyes with the capybara, shrugging off the whole "evil" part. "but back in the day, he was master of the spice."

     "Well," Todd chuckled nervously at the information. "I guess being mutated can turn anybody nasty."

     "Oh, he was always a jerk," Mikey rolled his eyes before sitting back up. "but what a chef. Some say he invented flavor."

     "Forest truffle pork chops," I peered out to see the mutant before we take a bite of the meat.

     "Uh," my eyes widened. "Isn't that-- you know what, I am going to elect to ignore it. Pork chops are overrated anyway," I could feel Mikey's glare at my opinion.

     "Omigosh! He's making his signature dish," I glanced at the wobbling duo beside me as Mikey gushed over the chef. "Todd, what did we say about not moving?" the orange turtle scolded the mutant that was holding him up.

     "Sorry, friend," Todd apologized as he regained his footing. "I was just trying to feel my neck again," he whispered loudly.

     "I never could get my truffle pork chops to taste as good as his," Mikey turned his attention back to the pig mutant.

     "Who cares? Mikey, half the food you made is probably better than his," I gazed between the turtle and the pig. Mikey looked like he was struggling to see that as a compliment to himself or an insult towards his favorite chef.

     "Shh," he decided to ignore my statement altogether and just watch the chef. "There must be a secret ingredient," the boy peered through his binoculars at the chef, letting out a gasp. "He uses mystic ingredients?"

     "Wait, what's a shadow moon truffle?" Todd spoke up as I leaned against the wall we were hidden behind, crossing my arms over my chest.

     "A super rare mystic truffle that only grows when Jupiter eclipses the full moon," Mikey explained as I watched boredly. "Maybe we could just grab a slice," he suggested, grabbing a couple of tufts of Todd's hair like he was Remy guiding Linguini. "Follow my thoughts, baby," the two mutants began to travel over while I just stared.

     Your brother pulled me out into the woods to watch Meat Sweats cook. I texted Donnie as I leaned on the brick wall, waiting for the two's return. I pulled my knees to my chest as I curled in on my stomach that rumbled once more as I caught a whiff of the food. And he brought Todd.

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