Sparring Partners

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         ~Normal POV~

     I was sitting at the top of the ramp next to Donnie as Leo skated back up it. Mikey was beside us, fidgeting with his own board. We were all caught off guard by a loud crash and Leo slid down the ramp on his shell.

     "Wha?" Donnie sat back up with a brow raised at the sudden commotion.

     "Boom shakalaka," Mikey added on, his eyes wide as he looked for the source. "Did that come from the Tank garage?"

     "No, no, no, no. No, there's definitely nothing wrong with my Tank because it for sure doesn't backfire for no reason sometimes," Donnie spoke quickly as I pulled Leo back up to the top of the ramp. Another crash sounded and I eyed the garage door.

     We walked over and Leo knocked on the metal door. We heard the snapping turtle's voice on the other side, making us more curious. "Raph, is that you?" Mikey spoke up as we grouped in front of the door.

     "No-- I mean, yes," the boy corrected himself. "Why would I speak and then it not be me?" he let out a nervous laugh. "One sec," there were some crashing noises and scurrying before Raph's head peaked out from under the garage door.

     "Hey, it's my brothers and Y/n," he commented as we observed him. "What brings you all to the lair?" the three forced the door open the rest of the way and rushed in.

     "What was all that noise?" Leo asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice. I peered into the room to see dummies set up across the garage.

     "What noise?" he shot back as if there weren't giant crashes sounding from inside the garage a few moments ago.

     "Was that just you setting up our next sparring session?" Raph stood slowly as the boys glanced at each other.

     "Sure, yeah," the snapping turtle was uncertain about his own words. "It was that and nothing else," he just made himself seem more suspicious as I eyed him cautiously.

     "Sweet," Mikey cheered in excitement. "I could go for a game of capture the bandana," he wrapped an arm around Leo's shoulder.

     "Usual rules, first to grab a bandana other than his own color is the winner," Donnie explained as I hoisted myself onto the Tank to not get in the way. They hopped into action to protect their own bandanas.

     "Uh, I'm not really in the mood to play a game," Raph chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

     "Then why'd you set it up?" Leo asked the boy who just kept confusing us even more.

     "Oh, that's right!" he quickly spouted out and ran in front of his bandana. "I-- I am in the mood."

     "Dude, what is with you?" Donnie put his hands on his hips, looking at his brother with furrowed brows. The soft-shelled turtled ducking down when Mikey blew an air horn to start the game.

     "Donnie versus Raph. Go!" Donnie pulled out his Tech-Bo with his brother's shout.

     "Taste my bandana fury!" he spun the Tech-Bo as he charged Raph, gently jabbing the buff turtle in his plastron with his weapon. They both stood straight-faced for a moment before Raph toppled over dramatically.

     "Whoa. Donnie, you are so strong," Raph declared with a flat tone, but the purple turtle stood with a proud grin and his hands on his hips.

     "A quadruple threat, my friend," Donnie said as he tugged the bandana off the dummy. "Strong, funny, amusing, and hilarious," I slid off the hood of the Tank to offer the proud boy a high-five/three.

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