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        ~Normal POV~

     "Purple Rain, do you see the target?" Raph spoke over their comms, hanging under the ladder below me while Leo and Mikey were above me. "Purple Rain?"

     "As we pan across the asphalt savanna, we find the noble Bullhop," Donnie starts narrating his view like he was Bear Grylls. "Survival in these cruel streets will require harnessing all of his fine-tuned natural instincts," sudden chaos broke out on the streets. Lights flickered on as car alarms awoke the sleeping city of New York. "And the king of the vertical veldt will go hungry again--"

     "Donnie!" the boy let out a startled yelp as Raph yelled at him. "Quit messing around. Where is the target?" Raph demanded.

     "Why must you always put science on the back burner?" Donnie shouted back, unhappy with his little show being cut off. He let out a to collect his thoughts and not let his patience run too thin. "Bullhop is in the alley by Big Mama's hotel, ya happy?"

     We hopped down from the building we were watching the city from and headed down into the alleyway that had a makeshift tent in it. The cloth spread open and the bull's head popped out, only catching a glimpse of us before Raph pulled a sack over the mutant's head.

     "You'll never take me!" the bull tried to sprint away, slipping on some garbage and effectively knocking himself out.

     "Ugh," Donnie let out a groan and his shoulders slumped a bit, lowering his transformed Tech-Bo slightly. "Now I'm not gonna get to test my tranquilizer dart," there was a near-silent thump as the dart came out and hit Raph in the butt, making him fall to the ground.

     "Donnie!" he looked at me with wide eyes, realizing his idea was not the smartest. He gave me a sheepish grin before clicking the button and turning the Tech-Bo back into its staff form. The four of us struggled to pull Raph and the bull back to the lair. I was muttering angrily to myself the whole time as Donnie tugged Raph's other arm.

     "Where am I?" the bull awoke not too long after Raph finally had.

     "Hey, bud," Leo greeted. "You may not remember us--"

     "Oh, I do!" the bull shot straight up. "You're those bug-hunting buffoons who turned me into a klutzy bull!" he punched the table he had been resting on.

     "He remembers us!" Mikey gave a close-eyed smile.

     "Look, we were trying to stop those oozesquitoes," Leo tried to reason with the bull.

     "In fact, we, strike that-- I built this technologically astounding BugSlapper so we could catch them all," Donnie sidestepped so the bull could see his vehicle. 

     "But. . . it ran out of Big Mama's web goo, so. . . fail!" Mikey tossed the canister that once held the webs inside.

     "Anywizzle, we feel pretty bad about what happened," Leo scratched the back of his neck with an empathetic look.

     "So, we Mad Dogs are gonna make it up to you by showing you the best day ever," Raph finished, a banner falling that read "Happy Bullhop Appreciation Day!" as well as streamers raining over us.

     "You mean, you're just gonna be nice to me without expecting anything in return?" the mutant asked unsurely, earning a nod from Raph. "Wow. That's how we do it in my native Etobicoke, Canada," there was a sparkle in the bull's eyes.

     "Happy Bullhop Appreciation Day!" Mikey said enthusiastically as he drew a heart around the words on the calendar. Without causing my mom much alarm, I managed to spend quite a few nights at the boy's lair as they gave Bullhop the hospitality he may or may not have deserved. 

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