How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will

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        ~Normal POV~

     "D, it's the middle of the night. I just want to sleep," I groaned as I held my phone to my ear as the boy paused.

     "My brothers insisted that I called you and convince you to come with us to the botanical garden while Raph sniffs some awful plant," Donnie said flatly and I could hear the eye roll "I'll even come to pick you up so you don't have to do any walking whatsoever," he tried to reason.

     "So, a free piggyback all night long?" I asked sleepily. "And you won't complain that I'm heavy or that I'm too close to you?"

     "First of all, I have never complained that you're heavy because you aren't, and secondly, I will try not to whine about being touched for so long," Donnie spoke after a deep sigh. "So yes, a free piggyback all night long."

     "I'll text you when I'm ready," I wore a sleepy yet cheeky grin at the agreement and hung up on the soft-shelled turtle. I slid on a pair of joggers and grabbed my hoodie, texting the boy he could come get me as I pulled a tank top over my head to wear under my zip-up, tugging my shoes on as I hopped out onto the fire escape. Donnie appeared before me, looking miserable and I was almost certain there would be dark circles under his mask.

     The back of the hover shell became more like a bike as it had for April when she first introduced me to the Turtles. I hopped on, holding on tightly with the wind rushing through my hair. It didn't take long for us to meet up with Donnie's brothers at the garden as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist while he carried me around.

     The battle shell seemed to be radiating some heat, making me feel more sleepy as he carried me down the hall to find whatever they were there to get Raph to sniff. My head leaned on the piece that wrapped over Donnie's shoulder, my face snuggling towards his neck in my lazy stupor. Also, the flashlights were hurting my eyes and I wanted to be facing away from the light.

     Donnie clipped a gasmask over the bottom part of my face as we got closer to the plant and I clenched my eyes tighter at the boys chanting for their leader to take a whiff of the plant.

     "What do you say, Raph? Do you have the guts to sniff the stinkiest plant on Earth, the corpse flower?" Donnie's muffled voice asked his brother. I lifted my head to rest my chin on the boy's shoulder and get a glimpse of Raph.

     "Some say it smells like a mummy wrapped in a zombie dipped in long-forgotten milk," Leo said dramatically. We watched Raph intently, waiting to see if he would agree or disagree with the challenge.

     "I'm gonna sniff it," he finally accepted. "Like a boss!" the clothespin came off his snout as he shoved his face into the plant and took a deep whiff of the plant, face coming back up a darker shade of green than it started and I rolled my eyes. He topple over as he barfed and I cringed at the sound.

     "All right, he worfed," Mikey exclaimed. "Me next, me next, me next," he bounced between his feet.

     "You going to willingly sniff that after Raph just--" I groaned. "Whatever," I planted my forehead on Donnie's shoulder. Suddenly, the Foot Recruit charged at us and the boys stepped away, causing her to run into the smelly plant and slice it in half, green goop spewing onto her as she fell, coughing weakly as the scent seeped into her mask.

     "This was a trap," her face flopped down and I gave her a pitiful glance.

     "No, that was all you," Leo chuckled as we gazed at the girl. If she was here, that meant the rest of the Foot Clan was here meaning I would not get to relax on the shell that was gently pulsating warmth into my skin.

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