Always Be Brownies

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        ~Normal POV~

     April was doing her own charity event for the day, and being the less-than-social person I was when it came to humans, I opted to spend my day with the turtles. Mikey had managed to convince the boys to wear the onesies I had bought them a while back, and it was an adorable sight. I couldn't help but tease Donnie when I saw him trudging out of his room in the pajamas.

     "Aww, Donnie, you look so cute," I cooed at the sight of the turtle.

     "Don't you dare," he glared at me with flushed cheeks and I held back a squeal of adoration.

     "Mikey, you're a genius!" I ruffled the boy on the top of the head and a wide grin spread on his lips. "I don't think we've all been together like this in a while. All cozy and stuff," I pulled up the hood on my own onesie. It wasn't a unicorn like what the boys had, but it would work.

     "So, what are we doing? Movie? Cooking?" Leo leaned over his twin's shoulder to capture my attention.

     "Well, me and Mikey were planning on making a homemade pizza," I mused. "But that's later tonight. I can try and teach you guys about human sleepovers?" I offered the boys, and at least a couple of them lit up at the thought. It was funny, the only "human sleepovers" I had had were with April.

     "I've always wondered what a human sleepover was like," Mikey bounced on the balls of his feet. Again, his childlike wonder was always so relieving in our crazy lives.

     "Okay, first let's get the beanbags out. We can spend the night in the skatepark," I told them and we got to work, pulling the chairs into the larger room. "We can do arts and crafts, have a pillow fight, watch scary movies or tell creepy stories, obviously we'll have the pizza," I tried to think of the different activities the boys might like.

     "Ooh, what about truth or dare?" Leo teased. "I've heard that's popular at 'human sleepovers,'" I shoved his head down.

     "And let you get embarrassing information out of me? Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. "We can try and point out different constellations, too," I murmured as I glanced up at the sky that was visible. If I recalled correctly, one of the books I had gifted Donnie was an astronomy book.

     "So, what do we do first?" Mikey looked at me with a glimmer in his eye. I put a hand to my chin in thought.

     "Let's do some arts and crafts. You wanna go get some materials and I'll go grab my speaker to play some background music for us?" I suggested to the boy and he hopped up and ran to his room to grab us supplies. I headed to the main room to grab my bag that I had left by Splinter's chair while we set up the skatepark.

     Hearing feet hitting the ground, my eyes darted to the ladder as two familiar figures dropped before me. "Hey Splints, April. How's the bake sale?" I slung the bag over my shoulder as I stood straight again. The dark-skinned girl's shoulders slumped at the mention.

     "That is why we are here. I am going to teach April the Lou Jitsu way," the rat told me. I glanced between the mutant and the desperate-looking girl.

     "Well, let me know how that goes," I spun on my heel and headed back to the skatepark. "Okay, I'm back!" I announced as I saw the Turtles doing their own thing while Mikey sat cross-legged with a multitude of materials. There was spray paint, construction paper in every color of the rainbow, and then some, some used and less used sketchbooks, colored pencils and graphite pencils, and some expensive-looking markers.

     "Whoa, awesome haul, Mikey!" I looked at the sea of art supplies. He seemed like he would explode from his happiness. "We can do so many different things. Make goofy pictures of each other, make a sick mural for the lair, maybe try origami, and I promise it won't come to life on us," I rattled off a few options.

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