Stuck on You

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        ~Normal POV~

     I stood frozen at the amalgamation of turtles in front of me. "My inventions were meant to do good, not evil!" Donnie cried out as a thump grew closer to me. Why would anyone need to be that close to someone ever?

     "What have you done to my body, my perfect body?" Leo was the next to whine out. I followed the group as they headed into Donnie's lab and fell over.

     "Why did you do this, Raph?" Mikey glared over his shoulder at the eldest brother.

     "You know, even for you, this feels like a poorly thought-through idea," Donnie shot at his brother.

     "Oh, is this what it feels like to have a dad bod?" Leo looked at himself in the mirror, sounding like his life was over.

     "Some people actually find dad bods attractive," I commented with a shrug. I knew a few people that looked good with a dad bod, so I had no argument with the idea.

     "Calm down. This is gonna be awesome," Raph brushed off his brother's concerns. "Being stuck together is gonna force us to work together as a team," they lost their balance once more but managed to stay up.

     "This is a team-building exercise?" Leo asked annoyed.

     "How are we gonna get unglued?" Donnie glared over his shoulder. I stuck my hands in my pockets, fidgeting with the small tech inside.

     "Relax, I'm sure you have a formula to get us unstuck, Donnie," Raph replied, being the only one unbothered by the whole situation.

     "Actually, I do not have a formula," the purple turtle's face dropped. "My FAB spray is still in beta."

     "FAB?" Leo spoke up and a grin spread on Donnie's face.

     "F-A-B, foam agent bonding," he began to happily speak about his creation. "It's state-of-the-art. It could change the entire way we think about safety and revolutionize*. . ." Donnie rambled on about his current work in progress and I smile at his rant.

     "Donnie detection, a crime is in progress," a robotic voice interrupted him.

     "Yes, a mission," Raph pointed at the blinking monitor. "It's go time," I didn't even realize they had fallen to the floor again until the ball rolled as they tried to scramble to the screen. "Stop!" their movements halted at the order. "We need to work as a team to get to Donnie's computer. Mikey, step. Donnie, step," the amalgamation stood at full height once more, and it was horrifying to look up to.

     "There we go, teamwork," Raph complimented and they slowly walked forward to the monitor. Raph tapped a button and a screen popped up requiring a password. and Donnie looked mortified. "Donnie, what's your password?" I watched the boy's eyes shift to look anywhere but at his brother.

     "I am not telling you that," his eyes wide in fear. "Just let me enter it," he insisted.

     "How? You don't have any hands," Leo pointed out.

     "Try 'I love my family,'" Mikey offered and Raph typed it in. Incorrect. "Try 'I love my brothers,'" once again incorrect.

     "Stop! It's not that," Donnie squeezed his eyes shut. "It's-- it's 'Bootyshaker9000,' capital Band three Ys in 'booty,'" he looked away, embarrassed. His brothers chuckled and he whipped his head around with furrowed brows. "What? You know I love to dance. Not going to apologize for that."

     "Nor should you have to," I added on, side-stepping to look at the screen. "Someone's breaking into the Museum of Art and Framing," I read from the article.

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