Donnie's Gifts

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        ~The Boys~

     "Okay, mutant silverfish, you've eaten people's laundry for the last time!" Raph warned the oversized insect. He punched it and it dropped the basket it was holding, the bug splitting in two. "What the?" he punched it again, causing it to multiply. The four now crouched down and began to gnaw on a pair of underwear.

     "Hey, Raph!" Donnie dropped in front of him with his hover shell. "Every time you smash them, they just split in two!"

     "I know. Isn't it cool?" Raph asked excitedly.

     "Think, Raph, think," the purple ninja told him and the boy put a finger to his chin in thought.

     "Oh. . . I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!" he stepped back up to the silverfish, punching over and over again. He was quickly knocked down and the insects stomped on him.

     "I got you, Raph," Mikey called out, throwing the yo-yo at the bugs, wrapping around them tightly. "This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!" the boy spun in the air before slamming into a balcony and dropping into a dumpster, the lid slamming shut after him. He came flying back out of the dumpster, the silverfish clinging to him and biting at his skin and shell.

     "Oh boy," Donnie facepalmed as he watched the scene in front of him.

     "I got you, Mikey," Leo stood with one leg propped up on a fire hydrant, slashing off an arm with his sword, sending a flood of water shooting out at the orange ninja. Mikey crawled back towards Raph as the silverfish twitched on the ground ahead of them. Leo flipped over them, inspecting the bugs. "Looks like these fish are. . ." he chuckled at himself. "wait for it, you're gonna love this. . . all washed up."

     "Boo!" Mikey called out, he and Raph shooing Leo away.

     "Okay, okay, okay. How about this," the silverfish suddenly sprung back up, eyes glowing red. "Those bugs are so wet--"

     "Uh, Leo," Donnie warned before they lunged at the blue turtle. "Ugh, this is getting old," the hover shell closed and Donnie landed on the ground. He pushed a button on his Tech-Bo and it turned into a tennis ball launcher that he shot the silverfish with, making them scurry away.

     "Mission accomplished!" Mikey cheered as Donnie pressed the button again, the Tech-Bo transforming back and he stuffed the folded weapon into his battle shell.

     "Whew. Nice hustle, Donnie. I knew we could deal with this as a team," Raph pumped his fist.

     "Actually, it was pretty much just me," the boy spun away from his brothers. "but, segue, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear," he said proudly, pushing a button on the tech-gauntlet. A drill broke through the ground as the other turtles watched in awe.

     "What the what?" Mikey threw his hands to his head, bouncing up in down in excitement.

     "Jumpin' Jack Flash!" Raph's eyes widened.

     "It's beautiful," Mikey slid on his knees to the drill, his eyes sparkling as he hugged it.

     "No, no, no. Not that," Donnie raised a brow in confusion at his brothers' reaction.

     "What do you mean 'not that'? That should totally be the thing," Leo put his hands on his hips.

     "No, no, no, that's just a little-- it's in beta. Don't worry about it," Donnie waved it off. "The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful, and I really hope you like it, 'cause if you don't I will just be crushed!"

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