The Purple Game

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        ~Normal POV~

     "Knock knock, D!" I peered into the arcade as Donnie stared at the screen that read 'The Purple Game.'

     "I must have it," Donnie said, his voice sounding monotonous though he was excited about the game. I slid further into the lab, leaning over the boy's shoulder, the battle shell slightly digging into my stomach at how dramatically I threw myself over him.

     He glared before realizing it was me and he dropped back to a small smile. "What'cha doin'?" I offered a smile before slumping down on the ground beside him with a smile.

     "I am getting a new game," he stated matter-of-factly as the screen loaded up in front of us. His gaze fell back to the screen, staring at it intently as he pressed start. At his request, I got the food or drink he wanted, mainly because I could feel hungry or thirsty around the same time.

     I hadn't even realized how much time had passed as I shot up randomly, making Donnie jump a small bit. My back was aching and I was wondering what position I had even been in just seconds before. A blanket had fallen to the ground at the suddenness of me bolting upright.

     "Donnie? What time is it?" I peered at the clock, but my fuzzy vision couldn't quite make out the time on the clock.

     "It's three am," he muttered, not moving his gaze from the screen.

     "Shouldn't you try and get some rest?" I offered the boy gently and he shook his head softly.

     "No, no, no. It's okay. You can go back to sleep though. You seemed peaceful," I picked up the edge of the blanket, wrapping half of it around Donnie's shoulder and the other half over me as I leaned against the boy.

     "No, I wanna watch you play," I mumbled sleepily, feeling my eyes drooping again despite the purple screen that shone just a little too bright. My eyes shot open once more when I heard Raph's scolding voice in the doorway.

     "Donnie, have you been playing all night?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I glanced back at the boys who were dressed up for something.

     "Yes, this is the greatest game of all time. Stop talking to me," Donnie replied without taking his eyes off the screen. My back ached from falling asleep sitting up.

     "Really? This?" Leo asked, not getting what was so interesting about being a robot and crushing little bears to rise to the top.

     "Oh, yes! Rank is rising," Donnie ignored Leo's questions. "Oh I got to make it to number one, baby!" he continued to crush his opponents as he made his way higher in the ranks.

     "Well, let's go, get dressed," Raph told his brother. "If we're late to FanCon, we'll miss out on the Jupiter Jim swag," Raph shook the younger twin's shoulder, but he couldn't be bothered.

     "I'll meet you there," his head tilted, but his eyes remained glued to the screen. "I'm earning Purple Points to unlock sweet upgrades."

     "Uh, are you okay?" Mikey spoke up. "Atomic Lass is gonna be there. She's your favorite character from the extended Jupiter Jim Universe," Mikey tried to knock some sense into Donnie with the reminder.

     "She and JJ haven't spoken since--" Raph was cut off by Mikey.

     "We don't speak of that," the box turtle said quietly.

     "Got to make it to number one," the soft-shelled turtle leaned close to the screen and I watched with a worried expression.

     "I know I say this a lot about Donnie, but-- demon possession!" Leo pointed to his twin who glared at him at the claim.

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