Minotaur Maze

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     ~Normal POV~

     I sat on the ledge of a roof watching the boys train with their mystic weapons to gain better control. "Oh, cool," I commented as Raph made his giant form, the body soon flickering out.

     "Oh, yeah!" Mikey flew at his brother, swinging his yo-yo around, flames encasing it in flames. Raph raised his arms to block the attack, and Mikey flew back and landed by his brothers. "Check this out. Power-fun-Jitsu!" a tornado of flames rapidly approached the buff ninja who let out a thrilled chuckle.

     "Not bad, not bad," he raised his arms, and the fire rushed to either side, circling him. "But check out these puppies," large red fists shot out beside him, dispersing and we all watched in shock. Leo rushed forward, nudging his brother to the side so he could have the stage.

     "If you guys want to see some real skill, look right here," he pointed to himself, spinning his sword over his shoulder as he pulled it from behind his back. "I'm going to make a portal to New Jersey," he declared, swirling the sword in a circle in front of him. A blue streak followed, but no actual portal. "Come one, power-portal-Jitsu," he tried once more, but no results. He let out a frustrated groan, slashing the sword in front of him until a small portal formed before him. "Yeah!"

     Raph laughed at the poor attempt while I stared with a raised brow, tempted to stick my hand through it, but curiosity killed the cat. "That's not going to get you across the street, let alone to Jersey," he crossed his arms with an amused grin.

     "Okay, but. . ." he stuck his hand through the portal, a second one appeared behind him and he scratched the back of his shell. "See, it's practical, which makes it better," he relaxed at the feeling.

     "Hey, Donnie, what are you doing, bud?" Mikey leaned past Raph to look at Donnie, who stood near me while looking over the edge, his goggles in his hand instead of on his head.

     "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I, on brand, took a more cerebral one," he raised his hand to show the small item he had snatched up from the now-exploded lab. "See, this crystal, combined with the elements--" his grin faded as Leo leaned up behind him.

     "Get to the point," the blue ninja muttered, earning a frown and glare from Donnie.

     "Now, I can see all the mystic energy hidden around New York," he placed the crystal into the goggles and plopped them back on his head, pulling them down over his eyes. "You're welcome, and thank you."

     "Whoa, that's awesome," I stood from my seat, leaning over the edge of the normal-looking city, watching an old woman walk down the sidewalk.

      "Hey, what about that laundromat?" Raph rushed over to us and looked down on the streets below.

     "It looks like a laundromat," Donnie pressed a finger on one of the rims, sliding it over it like he was zooming in. He lifted the goggles once more as he wore a smug grin, proud of the improvement to his tech. "But, what do we have over here?" he quickly pulled the goggles down, looking at the woman I had been watching slowly stalk down the vacant streets. "Whoa, underneath that old lady's skin is some sort of fire mutant thing."

     The wall she stood in front of warped and she disappeared, the other turtles suddenly hovering over our shoulders. "She just disappeared into that wall!" Mikey cried, and I cringed at the loudness in my ear.

     "I believe she went into some sort of cool, mystic pizza place," Donnie explained a bit that he saw with his zoomed-in lens.

     "Pizza!" Mikey called out, stomach rumbling a bit and he wrapped his arms around his belly. "Guys, my blood shuggies are getting low. I need to eat, bad," I gripped the top of Raph's shell as he leaped down from the roof, followed by the rest of the turtles.

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