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        ~Normal POV~

     We all stared as Splinter performed a beautiful opera number in hopes of joining the Turtle's band. Leo was dressed as if he was in an 80's hair band, Mikey was a hip-hop star, Donnie looked like a member of daft punk, and Raph was dressed sort of like James Brown, not my kind of music, but the red turtle seemed to enjoy it.

     "No," Raph denied their dad angrily.

     "Oh, not-- not good," Donnie shook his head at the performance.

     "That belongs in a sewer," Mikey added as Splinter finished.

     "Oh, please, my sons, let me be in your band," the rat dropped to his knees as he pleaded with his kids.

     "No, thanks," Raph's voice dropped a couple of octaves. "We can't groove to, uh, this whole situation, big daddy."

     "Uh, you hit your head?" Splinter frowned at his eldest son. "Why you talking like that?"

     "If you want to be soul," the red ninja spoke in his normal tone, "you gotta live soul," he finished in a deep voice.

     "But if we need an overbearing manager who robs us blind, we'll give you a call, mm-kay?" I glanced up at Leo who was lounging on one of the large speakers.

     "Okay, fine," Splinter glared. "I'll just start another family and join their band."

     "All right, babies. Let's boogie down," Raph glanced around at his brothers. "Our adoring public awaits. Albeartoland ain't gonna grand open itself."

     "How did we get this sweet gig, again?" Leo turned to Donnie who was wearing a sly grin.

     "Well, I may or may not have intercepted a little email addressed to a certain Justin B at yeah, comma that one dot com," the purple ninja explained his antics.

     "Hey, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but our music is so new it's like it's from outer space," Leo complimented the band that had yet to perform once.

     "Yeah, our electro/soul/rap/glam rock is too good to quantify," Donnie typed away on his tech gauntlet as he rambled off their four-genre band.

     "Once we leave this lair, our music is gonna change everything," Mikey encouraged his brothers.

     "Let's harmonize for good luck," Raph suggested. I held back my small cringe at the genres not matching together in the slightest. "Albeartoland, prepare to be blown away," I couldn't help but smile at how proud the boys looked of each other.

     The sun was setting on the horizon when we arrived at the boardwalk that held the newly opened Albeartoland. It was packed with families running about to experience the theme park. I peered through the curtains of the stage as the boys set up the instruments and speakers. Leo stood beside me, looking at the sea of humans and animatronic bears.

     "Okay, look, I'm excited for the gig," he stepped away and I looked back to see the concern in his eyes. "but this place is crawling with Albeartos."

     "So?" Donnie shrugged, unbothered by the information his brother shared.

     "Last time we met one, things didn't go so well, remember?" Leo fiddled with the guitar in his hands.

     "I do not," Donnie didn't even spare a glance.

     "You turned a cuddly animatronic bear into a psychotic robot bent on destroying us?" Leo offered. "No? Got April fired? Mm-mm, nothing? Hmm?" Donnie finally turned to give his brother an unamused stare.

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