Bonus Chapter 4: Fear

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 TW: Mentions of blood and starving

       ~The Turtles~

     Donnie hated this; not hearing anything from his partner in what was now a week. A whole week passed with no sign of Y/n. No text, no sudden blip appearing on his screen, and on top of it, no sign of the gift he made for Leo. He was pacing again, it was one of the few things keeping him awake. He couldn't sleep knowing they were missing.

     "Donnie?" the older twin's head popped into the lab while the soft-shelled turtle swiveled to walk the other way. His body tensed at the sound of Leo's voice. Something in the back of his mind wanted to blame his twin for tossing the gift out so carelessly, but he knew his older brother could just as easily throw the blame onto the creator.

     Leo watched as his brother continued to pace, not paying him any mind. He didn't want to raise his voice at the younger twin; Y/n disappearing was harsh on everyone, but the spiny soft shell the most. It hurt to see the boy so distressed.

     "Donnie," his voice was firmer this time and the boy stopped mid-step. He glanced up at his twin, deep bags hiding beneath his purple mask. Leo paused, not being able to tell his brother they had absolutely no new leads on their missing friend. "We're starting to worry about you. Can you come out of your lab for a bit?"

     "And miss an alert that Y/n is out there somewhere?" the soft-shelled turtle shot back at his twin. Donnie wanted to apologize for the outburst but forced it back down. "I can't risk that," his eyes shot over to the holographic screen that showed almost every street camera in New York, it made Leo's eyes ache to look at.

     "Donnie, you're worried for them. We all are, but staying caged in your lab isn't going to help," Leo tried to reason with his brother. Leo bit his lip to keep himself from saying something he would regret. The thought lingered in his mind, though, that being: 'Your tech got us into this mess, what makes you think it can get us out.'

     "D?" the curious voice of their younger brother peeped out, the orange-clad turtle peeking into the lab from behind Leo. Donnie's eyes softened at the sight of his sleep-deprived little brother.

     "In here, Mikey," he spoke quietly to his brother, tone nicer than the one he used with Leo.

     "I got us pizza," he told them in a soft voice. There was a box in his hands, others being left in the kitchen with Raph. "I didn't know if you would join us, so I wanted to bring this up to you," he handed the warm box to the nerdy twin.

     "Thanks, Michael," he moved to sit, the two brothers leaving, Leo was more upset to leave his twin alone, but Mikey managed to get him to leave. Donnie let out a sigh before opening the box only to freeze up at the sight. Half cheese, half veggie for us, the voice of his partner echoed in his head as he looked at the food. He felt sick as he looked at it, slamming the box shut and shoving it off his desk.

        ~Normal POV~

     My eyes opened as I heard heels clicking in the direction down my hallway. I adjusted the black bandages that were wrapped along my arms and calves, covering any injury I had endured the past week. The lock clicked and the cloaked yokai entered with a grin.

     "Good evening, little one," she greeted me. Never my name, only 'little one' or 'Tsuchigumo.' I raised to my feet before she could even give the order. "Already ready for the day?" I nodded in response; I wasn't sure if my voice would come out right, I hadn't spoken for the past week and my throat always felt so dry, no matter how much I drank of the water the Battle Nexus provided after a fight.

     I followed Big Mama to the dressing room, pulling the altered suit on. Instead of covering my legs, they were shorts now, cutting off at my knees that were covered by the bandages. The black gauze wrapped from my ankles to my knees, and the ones on my arms spanned from my palms to my elbows. Today, I was getting an upgraded weapon, Big Mama was excited to tell me about it as we walked in.

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