Snow Day

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was freezing my butt off in the snow-filled Bronx Park upon the boys' request that we build a snowman.

     "Snow day, hooray! So magical and new," Raph sang out happily as he shoved a giant snowball down a hill, making it grow larger as it picked up more of the fluffy white substance. "There's so much we could do."

     "Snow day. No training, only fun, we've only just begun," Leo joined his brother, shoving down another snowball, both of them flying into the air after rolling up a slide. "I'm glad I'm here with you," I cringed as I watched the giant mound pile up on Mikey as Mayhem teleported out of sight.

     "Snow day, hooray! Barometric pressure is so low, but my heart is all aglow. Revving up my Tech-Bo," Donnie yanked the wire connected to the chainsaw form of his weapon. I let out a snicker at the crazed look in the soft-shelled turtle's eyes. He somehow managed to cut out a perfect snowman in a few slashes.

     "Snow day, our snowman is the best," Mikey managed to break out of his snow prison inside the perfect snowman without destroying it, which amazed me. He gave different props to the snowman to make the perfect Jupiter Jim replica. "'Jupiter Jim' fans will attest. Omigosh, my coat's a vest!" the sleeves of the turtle's jacket ripped off randomly. I felt a chill rush down my spine just at the sight.

     "Snow day, hooray!" I could recognize April's singing anywhere, I absolutely loved her voice. She used to be embarrassed if I told her I could hear her singing in the shower, but she quickly grew more confident whenever I would compliment her singing. "We all should be so proud. Snow day, all together sing out loud," she pulled a helmet off Raph's head as she sat on his shoulders, popping the hat onto the snowman.

     "Snow day, hooray!" I applauded my friend's harmony, not that I would ever join in, I was way too self-conscious of my voice to even think about singing in front of people.

     "Great job, fam," Leo stood proudly as he looked up at the snow sculpture, his twin beside him. "And Donnie, I guess," he added quickly, turning his head, but not taking his eyes off the snowman.

     "If I weren't so enchanted by the beauty of our replica Jupiter Jim I'd probably say something like, 'Look over there-- push!'" I snorted as Donnie shoved his twin face first into the snow and the soft-shelled turtle looked at me, holding in his own snicker.

     "And for the cherry on top, this flag from 'Jupiter Jim Sails the Seven Galaxies,'" Raph tied up a blue flag with a pink-swirled planet and a spaceship on it.

     "Best 'JJ' movie of all time, baby!" Mikey cheered out.

     "What the what?" the flag was tossed and landed on Raph's face. "Hold up, Skip," a smug grin rested on April's face. "Jupiter Jim's 'Pluto Vacation 4' is the best JJ movie of all time," she crossed her arms as she smirked.

     "Ranked. By us. Just no. So. . ." Donnie mimicked the smug look from beside April. "It's basically official-no-arguing," I looked between the two groups. On one side of me, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie stood with blank stares, my other side was Donnie, April, and Mayhem, who would take April's side no matter what.

     Raph and Mikey burst out into laughter while Leo crossed his arms with an amused expression. "'Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation 4?'" he snorted out the name. "Where JJ spends the entire movie searching for ice before realizing the surface of Pluto. . . is ice?"

     "Uh, yeah!" April leaned forward, mimicking Leo's amused face. "And every time we watch it you three laugh your heads off," she placed a hand on her hip as she told the boys.

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