Mystery Meat

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         ~Normal POV~

     Upon entering the lair, I noticed the outline of the newest graffiti Mikey began. It was rough sketches of all the drawings we had made maybe a week or so ago when we had a sleepover. I entered the empty kitchen, heating up a couple of cups of coffee.

     April had texted me the previous night saying she had some business to deal with today but asked me to check up on Donnie since he hadn't been sleeping properly. With a final beep, both drinks were ready, and so I headed up to the lab.

     "Donnie? A little birdie told me you haven't been sleeping well," I poked my head into the room, not seeing the young adult anywhere. "D?" I stepped further into the workshop. My eyes caught on a figure further in the room, looking at themself in a mirror.

     I pulled out my weapon, pointing it at the boy. "Who are you? What are you doing in here?" I pointed at the human in front of me. My eyes narrowed on the dark-skinned boy who wore a purple mask like Donnie's, with dreads that fell to his shoulders, pulled half up and some of it dangled in front of his face. He even sported his goggles and had painted or tattooed markings like the soft-shelled turtle. 

     My eyes darted to the tech gauntlet around the boy's wrist, and with a single push, a purple light enveloped him and the turtle stood before me. I was speechless before a blush warmed up my cheeks. "Whoa," I was breathless as I looked at the boy. The turtle stared at me, soaking in my astonished expression with a victorious smirk.

     "I'm guessing you like it?" he searched my face, reaching forward to take a thermos from my grasp, the other one tucked into the nook of my elbow. For the first time in a while, I was speechless. "Did I break you?" he snorted, waving a hand in front of my face.

     "Donnie, you are so amazing," I started slowly, trying to think of anything else to say. "That was so awesome! I totally didn't recognize you, holy cow!"

     "I could tell," he smiled. "I'm glad you were ready to protect the lair from an intruder," he nodded in approval of the reaction I had.

     "You are so handsome, human or mutant," I collapsed my weapon and stuffed it into my pocket. I opened my own thermos, sipping the scalding coffee. The turtle's head turned away, flushing at the compliment.

     "I'm glad you think so," he muttered, suddenly embarrassed at the compliment. He was always so shy about his looks. "I was planning on making cloaking brooches for everyone. I just wanted you to see me first," he nervously admitted.

     "You are the most adorable person I know," I cooed at the mutant. "You are my favorite little nerd," I gave him a smirk and his eyes narrowed at me. "Go on, tell me more about your tech."

     "Mine was easy to program into my gauntlet, for my brothers I will need to invent something else to harvest the power," he quickly began explaining it to me, pulling up a holographic screen to show me his plans. "I think I can create these new belts that can act as the brooch. They look similar to the ones we already had, but these will have a small button you would press to activate the cloaking mechanism.

     "Now you might wonder, 'Donnie, why not just add this onto the preexisting belts?'" he tried to mock my voice, "and I say 'Science! I was born to create!'" he let out a laugh and I chuckled along.

     "How did I get lucky enough to score a genius boyfriend?" I stared at the boy in adoration. "You really are something else, Donnie. So, you wanna stay holed up here working, or would you like to take a stroll around New York?" I smiled at the boy. He looked between the screen and me before the screen shut off and the turtle stood up.

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