Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man

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         ~Normal POV~

     I watched the mischievous boys play a game to see who could get a froot loop into their Dad's mouth first, the boys snickering when one landed inside. The older man choked and sat up in his recliner.

     "No! I was having such a glorious dream," Splinter whined and glared at his sons. We gave him nervous smiles, ready to sneak away.

     "It was Donnie! Punish him," Leo pointed down at his younger twin as he placed the blame easily.

     "Get out of here, you hairless teens!" Splinter scolded his sons and I slinked away with them. I followed Mikey and Donnie as they went to the arcade for their racing game. I leaned on the back of Donnie's chair as I watched his screen.

     "My driving skills will remain supreme," Donnie bragged to his younger brother with a smirk on his face before knocking his brother off the course and passing the finish line.

     "Don't worry, Mikey," I offered a smile at his pout. "I'm not allowed to play anymore 'cause Donnie kept losing to me," the soft-shelled turtle slapped a hand over my mouth as I let the secret "accidentally" slip out. I gave the purple turtle a sly grin as he narrowed his brows at me.

     "Ooh, excellent driving skills," Splinter popped up behind us suddenly and complimented Donnie's win. "Is it just me, or are both of you taller than the last time I saw you?" my eyes narrowed suspiciously at the man's behavior.

     "You mean, like, three minutes ago?" Mikey asked, confused as well.

     "Ooh, and so handsome, too," he continued. "When was the last time we did something together?"

     "Hmm, let's see. . ." the tech gauntlet lit up and a holographic calendar appeared before Donnie and he scrolled through the months to find the marking. "278 days ago," he said as he found the marked date and interaction. "You said, 'Hi, Purple,' to Raph," Donnie arched a brow as he stared down his father.

     "Exactly," Splinter laughed nervously. "So, what say we spend some quality time together now?" Splinter asked and Mikey was ready to agree.

     "Yes, please. Where do I sign? Just let me know," he spoke quickly. "Just give me the pack and I'll sign--" Donnie cut him off and they spun to face away from the rat.

     "Okay, play it cool," I leaned in to listen to the boys. "He might be possessed."

     "You're right. I always fall for this," Mikey put on his 'hard as nails' face and they turned back to Splinter.

     "We. . . we might be able to squeeze you in," Donnie leaned to look over the back of the seat coolly.

     "How would you like to enter your Tank in a father-son car competition?" Splinter told us his plan.

     "You want to enter my design in a father-son competition?" his suspicion quickly became excitement at his dad's suggestion. "Omigosh, dreams do come true!" he spun Splinter around and plopped the older man on his shoulders, and headed toward the garage.

     "I thought we were playing it cool," Mikey watched his older brother in disbelief as I did the same. We followed the excited duo to the garage and Splinter hopped off Donnie's shoulders to inspect the vehicle.

     "So, like, how much damage can this thing take?" the rat kicked the Tank before smacking his cane against the side of it multiple times. I watched Donnie wince at the way his dad was hitting the Tank.

     "It is a tank," Mikey commented, not seeing Donnie's discomfort at the abuse his vehicle was taking. "so she's probably pretty good on defense."

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