Shadow of Evil

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        ~Normal POV~

     Here we are at the Middle Park Zoo, but not to relax. No, why would we ever go to a fun place to just hang out and relax? No, no, no, we're here to stop Baron Draxum. Again. Because people trust the world in the hands of amateur heroes that just need a break for once.

     "Not good," I muttered and looked at the zoo keepers and wild animals that were being held in place by purple vines. "Since when is Draxum back to kidnapping humans and animals? His oozesquitoes are on the loose," Donnie pulled down his goggles beside me as he peered at the sheep mutant in the distance.

     "Oozequito!" Mikey cried and pointed to the bug that hovered around Draxum. "If Draxum uses his bug to mutate the rhino and warthog, we'll be outmatched," Donnie's fingers twisted the blue lens as he focused back on the two goyles, Huginn and Muninn, who were tugging at something.

     "What? Mystic metal?" I glanced between Donnie and the gargoyles. "That is a first," he said to himself before Draxum swatted away the oozequito that was circling him.

     "What the. . ." I watched the bug that lay on the floor before us.

     "He just swatted away an oozesquito," Leo pointed at the yokai with his sword. The purple turtle stood before us, pulling his Tech-Bo from his shell and it extended to full size.

     "Allow me to distract him with my multidimensional reflective orb neutralizer," Donnie spun his Tech-Bo around and clicked the button. A disco ball with spikes formed on the end while Donnie wore a proud grin.

     "Uh, it's a disco ball," Leo rolled his eyes, but Donnie paid him no mind.

     "He's just trying to throw us off," Raph pushed in front of the twins before jumping into action and they watched with raised brows. "but we ain't getting thrown," we followed after him, landing before the sheep that looked unphased. "Stop right there, sheep creep."

     "Well, if it isn't my loser creations and their pitiful human friend," he gazed down at us, lip twitching in downward disgust.

     "We are sick of your whole mutating humans dealio," Leo pointed at the yokai as he gripped his odachi. Draxum's eyes shifted to the piece of metal that broke off the rock. "We are kicking you out of. . ." Leo's words were cut off as the sheepman caught the metal and opened a portal, walking through it as it shut behind him. "New York," his shoulders deflated.

     "Oh, well, clearly the sight of my disco ball scared him off," Donnie's uncertain words became confident as he planted the Tech-Bo by his side. "You are welcome, and you are welcome, and you are also welcome, and you are very welcome," Donnie pointed at each of us with a proud grin.

     "What is that psycho up to?" Mikey wondered, his eyes narrowed in thought.

     "Well, the metal he grabbed was mystic, so maybe he--" Donnie's thoughts on the matter were cut off by Raph.

     "If we find more glow-y metal, that's where we'll find Draxum," Raph explained and took off once more.

     "Assuming he doesn't scurry off again when he sees my terrifying disco tech," Donnie added as we followed after Raph. We were headed back to the lair, passing April who was on her way to her new job at a shoe store. She had lasted at least a few weeks so far.

     "If we could find more glow-y metal, we could use it to trap Draxum," Raph told us as he opened up the manhole and we peered down, not seeing Splinter so we crawled in.

     "I might be able to make us all goggles if I can divide the Hidden City mystic crystal in my lab," Donnie commented as I pulled the manhole cover closed behind us.

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