The Purple Jacket

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        ~Normal POV~

     "Why would you want computer science first thing in the morning?" I glared at April who dragged me to the back of the computer lab from my study hall. I slumped in the chair as the girl eagerly logged onto the computer beside me and opened the program she was working on.

     "Psst! April!" a familiar voice called out in a hushed tone, three ninja stars stabbing into the desk, just missing her hand. My groggy eyes raised from the stars to the lights to see a boy in an oversized purple jacket holding himself up on them. He lost his balance and fell to the ground with a pained groan.

     "Hi, Donnie. Thanks for coming," she waved to the turtle as he helped himself up in a swivel chair, sitting on it backward and leaning against the backrest.

     "No probbles," he rolled closer to us with a small grin. "I love this place," he stood and took a deep breath to take in the scent of the computer lab. "Smells like learning and lost dreams!" he dropped onto the chair once more and rolled up to us. "So, what did you need help with?" he burrowed his face close to the backrest.

     "My computer science project," April motioned to the monitor that he quickly took interest in. "Just need you to check the code to make sure I haven't missed anything," Donnie pushed the girl aside to scroll through the code.

     "Ah, you don't know how lucky you are to be in school, April and Y/n," he sat straighter. "surrounded by true intellectuals, scholars after my own heart, resplendent in gorgeous purple satin jackets-- Wait!" Donnie cut off his own rambling at the sight of the Dragons. "What?! Purple satin jackets?" his eyes were glowing at the thought, and I swore there were stars in his eyes. 

     "The shimmering sheen, the exquisite violet hue, the silkiness of the fabric! It has everything I love, and even things I didn't know I loved yet--"  the boy slumped, wrapped up in his own fantasy about the material, drool almost dropping from the corner of his mouth.

     "Donnie, if you drool in here, something's gonna short-circuit," I reminded the boy as he shook his head to snap out of his own world.

     "They must be the kings and queens of college," he praised the small group that he didn't even know.

     "The Purple Dragons tech club?" April wore an unamused expression as she glanced at them. "Yeah, if by kings and queens, you mean stuck-up jerks who think they're smarter than everyone else."

     "Oh, that's what I was hoping you'd say!" he spun around excitedly in the swivel chair as he threw his hands up in a cheer. I glanced at the group which was one girl and two boys. The purple-haired girl, Kendra, was the leader who stood with her arms crossed as she watched the skinny boy in the middle. Jase was Kendra's step-brother whom she loved to torment whenever she got the chance. Lastly, there was Jeremy, who was the smartest under Kendra. He mastered tech while Kendra mastered scheming.

     "Oh, my gosh, did you see that?" Donnie wore an amused grin at the skinny boy being shocked and the other two doing a fancy fist bump.

     "What? That wack high-five?" April spun in her seat to look at the turtle.

     "Nay, fair April," Donnie waggled a finger at her question. "A secret five evocative of the golden rations of the cosmos," he sat like he was meditating, wishing to be one with the stars. "Superior minds, glorious jackets-- Guys, I am joining this club," he hopped up, fully determined.

     "You what now?" I raised a brow at the boy as he made his way to the Dragons.

     "Greetings, tech enthusiasts," Donnie stopped in the middle of the ramp that led to where they held their virtual heists. "I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of your club-- wait for it, here it comes-- it's me," he bowed to them before gesturing to himself.

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