Lair Games

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        ~Normal POV~ 

     I was standing beside April who had a camera pointed at Raph while we stood in his room. He sat patiently, waiting for us to give him the go-ahead. "Okay, we're rolling!" I grinned and gave the large turtle a thumbs up.

     "So, tell me, what are the Lair Games?" April asked the turtle.

     "Ah, well, it started eleven years ago when we got swept up in the water bottle challenge. It's a one-day, 16-event, brother-versus-brother competition," he explained. "It challenges you, both physically and mentally," he flipped a bottle and it landed perfectly behind him, a smug grin spreading on the snapping turtle's lips. "And this year was the craziest year ever.

     We moved on to Mikey, asking him the same question we asked Raph. "The Lair Games are the single greatest day of the year!" he smiled excitedly as he sat cross-legged on his hammock. "It's better than Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday. . ." he rattled off a few more. ". . .uh, me finding a quarter day, me finding a quarter anniversary day--"

     "Thank you, Mikey," I stopped him before he could rattle off a thousand more. "We'll come back to you," I offered a smile and he nodded happily as me and April walked off.

     Me and April stood in the back to record the event happening before us. Splinter was on a makeshift stage with Leo behind him. "As is tradition at the annual Lair Games, the winner of last year's--" the rat was cut off by Leo stepping in front of him.

     "As five-time champ, I'd like you all to stand while I speak," I rolled my eyes at Leo's cockiness.


     "Ugh, losing to Leo is the worst," Raph told us with a glare. "You know how they say act like you've been there before? Leo never read that book."

       ~The Games~

     "When I say king, you say Leo. King," there was a beat of silence. "Leo. That was great," I could hear the jingling of the medals around Leo's neck. "Okay, but enough about my numerous victories-- there are many," he pulled the microphone off the stand so he could move around the stage.

     "This year, in an effort to inspire you to be as great as I am, I'm offering up the biggest prize yet," the red-eared slider paused for dramatic effect. "My room. AKA, the best room," the trio in seats seemed shocked at the offer. The turtle led us to the room, showing us what was at stake.


     "It wasn't about the room," Raph said, wearing a mischievous grin. "It was about taking something away from him. Something he loved," his eyes narrowed to get his point across.


     "Man, we were just tired of losing," the box turtle pouted from his seat on the hammock. "and no one lost worse than Donnie," he recalled a few of the nerdy brother's failures in the past Lair Games.


     "No one wanted to let Leo chump them again this year," the snapping turtle's face was dark with an angered glare. "We were ready for war."

       ~The Games~

     "Ladies and gentlemen, reporting to you live on the scene from our first event, the Handstand Hill-Bomb," Splinter announced and I peered up the tall ramp the boys would race down. I was standing off to the side while April stood centered to capture the race. There was the beeping of a countdown before they raced for the finish.

     "And they're off!" Splinter called, watching the race intently. "Ooh, it looks like someone has separated themselves from the pack. Down the stretch, they come. And. . . it's. . . Blue," the rat shredded a paper he held. "Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have bet on Red."

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