End Game

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       ~Third Omniscient POV~

     Splinter paced back and forth in front of the Tank, waiting for his sons' return. "No word. No contact. Where are my kids?" he was stressed beyond belief, he wanted to know his kids were safe. "If only I had a clue as to where they are," a purple-ish portal formed in the sky behind him, and April fell from it. "Someone send me a clue. Anything!"

     April struggled in the vines, hoping to attract the attention of the rat man who clapped his hands together in prayer. "A hint, a whisper, a well-timed crash?" the dark-skinned girl crashed into a garbage bin and knocked it over, gaining Splinter's ear.

     "April!" he shouted out, peaking around the Tank to see the girl rolling on the floor to escape the vines. Splinter sat the girl up on a wall to keep her still. "Don't worry, I will free you with my helping toe," he raised his foot to reveal a sharp toenail, cutting the vine off while April tried to squirm away.

     "Okay," April deadpanned, looking at the rat in disgust. "First, ew. Second, we're doomed!" she screamed, tears pricking her eyes, "Draxum captured the guys, and I don't know where Y/n went!"

     "My sons!" Splinter gasped out, his sons being his concern as opposed to Y/n, he cared for the young adult, but his sons were more important at the moment.

     "He says we have to give him the last piece of the Dark Armor, or else!" she told the rat the message from Draxum. "And he says you have it!"

     "What?" Splinter asked in disbelief.

        ~The Turtles~

     "How did we get captured?" Raph asked out loud. "We did exactly what Pop taught us!" the four boys were trapped in a cell. Donnie sat in a corner chewing his lip, not being able to get his mind off of Y/n. Were they okay? What happened to them?

     "Maybe this is exactly what Dad wanted," Mikey said coolly as he lounged on the floor of the cage. "Maybe this is our destiny!"

     "Locked in a cage, failed in our mission, held for ransom by the Foot, and none of us gave him grandchildren?" Leo rambled on from his spot beside his youngest brother. "Somehow I think he wanted more," he rolled over and hugged his knees to his chest, eyes peering at the ground, seeming glassy with tears.

     "Maybe we didn't stay true to the Hamato ways," Raph said, angry at himself. "Dad taught us the wisdom is within us," he sat with his legs crossed, preparing himself to meditate. "We just need to focus, meditate deeply, and our path will be revealed."

     His brothers joined him in the meditative pose and they all took a deep breath, trying to concentrate to learn the answers. Donnie found it the hardest to clear his mind but managed with enough forcing his thoughts away.

        ~Normal POV~

     I couldn't tell if my mute episode was ending soon or not as I was trapped in the vines beside the Dark Armor. Above me was Draxum along with the Foot Lieutenant and the brute. The harder I struggled, the tighter the vines seemed to get around me.

     I should have stayed to help Raph fight, I shouldn't have listened to his order to leave. Now I was just a bargaining chip against the boys and there was nothing I could do about it; I felt powerless.

     Some time passed and Draxum stood beside me, looking at me like I was a mere worm in his eyes. "That rat is sure taking his sweet time bringing me the armor piece. Maybe I should start sending him fingers, or toes, or maybe a whole limb," he stared at me curiously when I didn't shout in protest.

     "You still have nothing to say?" his gaze stayed on me. My lips parted, but nothing came out. I wriggled my arms around before staring up at him pathetically. With a bit of hesitance, I felt the vines loosen and drop to the ground around me. I saw no point in trying to fight, he could easily subdue me again.

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