Hypno! Part Deux

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        ~Normal POV~

     "You can do this," April let out a deep breath as she stood before the school building. "You fought monsters, been to hidden cities, destroyed robots, you've-- who are you kidding?" we stood in front of the large campus building.

     "Come on, A. It's homecoming," I shrugged at the building. "Just do what I do; dissociate until the event is over," the girl began to walk away, no longer wanting to take part. Mayhem ran in front of her, teleporting her back to walk toward the building.

     The little guy chittered as April crouched to his height. "You're right. I can do this-- for Taylor, the coolest girl in school," she stood proudly with her hands on her hips.

     "If I knew that high school monarchy was gonna follow me to college, I would've never gone," I flopped back down. "Do this for me, A, you practically dragged me with you."

     "Time for you to jet," she warned her little pet. "I can't be like Siegel the lizard boy. I gotta be cool," Mayhem squeaked in understanding before teleporting away. We walked down the pathway, passing couples and friend groups that were taking selfies to post on their socials later. To our left was a giant, red hippo head float made by the one and only Taylor Martin, the quote "coolest girl in school" as April would say.

     "Hey, April!" a bald boy called over to us, catching our attention as well as many of the other students.

     "Dale," she offered a fake smile at the boy who came jogging over to us. "Oh, no."

     "My favorite person," he stopped in front of us with an ear-to-ear grin.

     "Hey, you going to this shindig? I wouldn't usually really go to one of these 'dances,' but I actually got invited by Taylor Martin to sit at the cool kid's table, so. . ." she slowly spun to start walking into the building.

     "She invited me too!" he cheered out, pulling his phone and waving it in front of us.

     "Oh, I thought she just invited me, but I guess you got invited too," April turned back, stuffing her hands into he jacket pockets. "That's cool," she huffed a little, no longer feeling proud of the invitation she received. "Cool."

     Entering the building, every student inside was gazing at their phone intensely, it was almost unsettling. The only person that looked up from their phone was Taylor as she turned to look at the three of us. April waved to her excitedly as we walked over.

     "April! Dale! Y/n!" she gave us that fake popular girl smile when she saw someone below her. "So glad you came," the darker-skinned girl shuddered at the boy walking by with his pet wrapped around his neck.

     "Lizard boy," she shoved us forward into the last empty seats, pulling her phone out, just like the rest of the young adults.

     "Sit!" Taylor ordered us and I nervously shifted in the chair. There were way too many people for my liking. April, you are so lucky I love you and you're one of my few friends. "We were all just talking about the most amazing new game, Hippo Crush," down the rows on either side of the table, students turned to us.

     "So fun," they all spoke at the same time, their voices monotonous.

     "Have you played it yet?" Taylor leaned close to April's face, a creepily wide smile on display.

     "Uh, I've been meaning to download it," April spoke shyly, never having heard of the game before.

     "How are we gonna be besties if you don't have the game?" the blonde's eyes practically starring into the darker girl's soul.

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