Operation: Normal

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        ~Normal POV~

     April and I sat across from Donnie and Leo at Run of the Mill Pizza. April didn't seem as nervous as I was to be in a room full of yokai. I didn't think they were bad, that's not why I was nervous, you just never know when you'll run into someone who wants to kill the Turtles, and in turn, me.

     "Is that pizza looking at me?" April squinted down at the wriggling pizza. I had suddenly lost my appetite at the sight. I glanced up at the twins who looked down at it like it was the most delicious thing they'd ever laid their eyes on.

     "Eat us, we are delicious," the squirming worms on the pizza encouraged us, making my stomach turn sour.

     "And it's talking to us," I felt chills run down my spine. "Couldn't we have just ordered cheese?" I watched Donnie pick up a slice of the living pizza.

     "What? You mean not get the Super Creepy Supreme?" he offered a smile when he saw my concern mixed with disgust.

     "I wish, just once, we could go to a normal pizza spot," April rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

     "But you know we can't go into human places with, uh, this whole situation," Leo gestured to himself as me and Donnie met eyes. We hadn't really eaten there, but Donnie had gone into my personal favorite pizzeria with me a couple of times. "Embrace is, April, you're just a magnet for weirdness."

     "I know, it's just sometimes a girl just needs normal-- ugh," she let out a noise of disgust at the boys eating the pizza.

     "What do you mean? What's not normal about this?" Leo spoke through a stuffed mouth. A shudder ran through me as I picked the worm off the slice I picked up, offering it to Donnie who seemed more than eager to take it from me. I bit into the now Un-Creepy Supreme.

     "Okay, birthday boy,"  our attention was grabbed by a goopy man. "get ready to. . ." Donnie and Leo ducked behind their menus and I shrunk into my hoodie. The slime man began babbling as he ran on the table in front of us. "Par-tay!" he exploded, splattering on the twin's menus and all over April.

     "Ha!" my eyes shifted to Donnie, who wore a wide grin as he laughed at the scene. "Aw, Exploding Frankie never gets old," the purple turtle and his twin glanced to April who sat silently, unamused and slightly irritated by the display.

     "I'm going to class," the dark-skinned girl stood from the booth and walked away, leaving the pizzeria. I watched her with a concerned expression before glancing back at the pizza. I plucked off another worm and waved it around for one of the boys to take while I ate the slice.

     "Sh. . . should I get going too?" I raised a brow. I didn't have any classes. . . anymore. What I didn't tell Donnie the night after we crashed Big Mama's party was I wasn't just thinking about dropping out of college, I actually had. The books I gifted him were what I had bought for my classes, but he didn't need to know.

     "And be boring at school?" Leo rolled his eyes at the thought while Donnie elbowed him in the side. "We can do something way more fun in the lair. Like having a Jupiter Jim marathon, or taking a nap."

     "Okay, okay," I smiled. "I could go for a nap or something like that. I need to get out of these jeans," I stood from the booth and stretched a little as the twins slid out of their seats as well.

     We snuck through the bustling streets of New York and back to the manhole that led us down into the lair. Donnie insisted that I could change into a pair of his shorts and his hoodie, claiming that my hoodie still had some goop from the little showdown at Señor Hueso's pizzeria. Though I was confused, I agreed to it. His hoodie was really comfy.

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