Cloak and Swaggart

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        ~Normal POV~

     The Turtles were chanting "Camping!" as they headed into the garage, Sunita, April, and I were tailing them to the room.

     "Boys, we leave for intense survival training in exactly one minute!" Splinter shouted at his sons.

     "Survival training?" Mikey's shoulders deflated in disappointment. "I thought we were going camping."

     "It's just like camping, only you learn which bugs are the yummiest and how to drink your own sweat," Splinter ducked back into the car and the boys groaned, slowly walking to meet with their dad. The three of us leaned against one of the wheels while the turtles walked by.

     "Thanks, April, Sunita, and Y/n, for holding down the fort while we're gone for what I formerly thought was gonna be a fun weekend," Leo thanked us before his shoulders slumped down again and he walked to the Tank.

     "Don't forget to change Shelldon's coolant thrice daily. That means three times," The leg of the spider shell popped out to show three fingers while Donnie typed away on his gauntlet. "And give him a little skritch behind the ears. Ears can be found here, here, here, and here," he pointed at the different spots.

     "Don't worry. We got you covered," I assured Donnie as Shelldon hovered close by me as I gave him a small skritch.

     "Boys, in the Tank!" Splinter ordered his sons. "Let's go, let's go! Move it, move it!" the Tank shut behind them. The two girls high-fived and walked out. I sat cross-legged for a moment, leaning on the wall of the garage with Shelldon beside me.

     My head tilted in confusion as the tired suddenly locked into place as well as the entrances to the Tank. Donnie, was that supposed to happen? I texted the boy as an alarm sounded from the vehicle. I honestly wasn't sure if the boy even had his phone on him.

     After getting no reply, I spared a last glance at the Tank before heading up to Donnie's room with Shelldon in tow. I glanced at April and Sunita who were watching something on the TV that didn't really catch my interest. 

     I sprawled out on the warm bed scrolling through my socials before getting a text. DIGG gig, you in? Not the text I was waiting for, but I guessed it would beat laying in Donnie's bed till he got back, right?

     You know it. I sent it with a winky face at the end. I changed Shelldon's coolant and with some soft skritches, I was done and exiting Donnie's room to meet up with April and Sunita.

     Sunita was wearing her cloaking brooch, ready to go to the concert along with April who stood with crossed arms as she waited for me. Crowds weren't normally my thing, but hey, if it made my friends happy I could suck it up.

     It didn't take long to get to the concert venue. While Sunita and April were crowd-surfing and there was a small mosh pit, I stuck to the back to avoid too many people while still keeping an eye on my friends.

     Suddenly, the yokai turned back into goop in the distance, the crowd parting as they dropped the girl to the floor. April covered the girl with her sweater and rushed her into an alleyway and I chased after them.

     "My cloaking brooch!" Sunita buried herself deeper into the sweater to hide herself. "That was a gift from my Grand-Googly!" April stood with her hands on her hips in thought.

     "We gotta hunt down the jerk who stole it," she scratched her chin as she came up with a plan.

     "Too bad your Turtle friends are off in the woods," Sunita pouted as she pulled her knees closer to her chest.

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