Origami Tsunami

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        ~The Boys~

     "Where's our free grub, noodle man?" the villain on the screen spoke.

     "Okay, ha. How 'bout some-- hot soup?" Raph mouthed along with the movie, turning and grabbing Donnie and Mikey by the front of their shells and sending them flying over his shoulders. They let out a yelp and fell face-first into two bowls of noodles. "Too spicy for you?" the movie continued as Splinter watched the boys. "Everyone's a critic. Hm."

     "Man, 'Teriyaki Shakedown' always gets me so. . ." Donnie took a breath as his brother beside him smiled and slurped up some noodles. ". . . jazzed!"

     "Yeah, Lou Jitsu's the business!" Raph pumped his fists in agreement, only to have the remote hit him in the face and knock him over.

     "Then why do you insult the master with your poor technique?" Splinter hopped up from his seat, twirling in the air and grabbing Donnie and Mikey's heads, slamming them further into the soup and crushing the tables and bowls beneath them. "Do not worry. Someday you will be great ninjas with a little practice. . ." the two boys raised their heads and looked at each other and then at their dad. "is something I would say if I were a liar."

     "That's nice of you to say, Pop," Mikey lifted himself from the ground. "but I'm tired of practicing."

     "Yeah, we can be heroes like Lou Jitsu!" Raph hyped up in agreement with Mikey.

     "Nice try," Splinter laughed at his sons.

     "We got the squills, we got the tight color-coordinated team look," Mikey raised his fingers as he named off different things.

     "Let's do it!" Raph grabbed his little brother's hands. "Let's go out and bust some bad guys!" he bumped his fists together.

     "Yeah. I just feel like, you know, we need a case to get the juices flowing a little bit," Donnie sat up, scratching at his forehead. "You know, let's see what the internet has to say about it, shall we. . ." he picked up his tablet and scrolled through it. Leo leaned himself over their dad's chair, sliding it upside down.

     "Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!" Mikey called as he spotted his brother behind them.

     "Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?" he asked boredly, earning a whip in the face from Splinter's tail.

     "Hey now. I am standing right here," the old man warned.

     "Pfft," Raph scoffed at his brother's suggestion. "no way. We're crime fighters!"

     "Okay, check this out: The Spine Breaking Bandit!" Donnie draws his brother's attention back.

     "Yeah. Go big or go home!" Raph chuckled as he agreed to it.

     "Yeah, go home on a stretched," Leo pushed Mikey out of the way to look at the tablet. "What else you got?"

     "Uh, okay, here's something: The Long Island Mangler!" Donnie read off another criminal from a headline.

     "Okay, Donnie," Leo pushed the tablet down to make his brother meet his eyes. "I appreciate you giving your best effort, but maybe we should save mangling and spine-breaking for, I don't know, our second day?" he raised a brow at the boy. They all stared at the blue ninja before Donnie swiped to the next page.

     "All right, well, this one's kind of lame: someone stole paper from a delivery truck?"

     "Not on my watch!" Leo snatched the tablet from Donnie's hands. "That's exactly the kind of junior-level mischief we can put an end to," he said proudly.

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