Mascot Melee

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        ~Normal POV~

     "What's the word? Am I clear?" Raph was disguised in a hippo costume trying to make his way to a clothing store to buy Splinter a new robe.

     "Looks bueno from here," Leo was looking through the binoculars in the Turtle Tank. "You are a go for Operation Let's Hope Raph Comes Back Alive."

     "Would you stop calling it that?" Raph shot back, clearly upset about the name Leo had decided to give it.

     "A first-ever exploratory expedition in daylight!" Donnie said excitedly. "They are going to name sewers after you, pal."

     "I fit right in with all the mascots," Raph observed his surroundings. "This hippo suit works great in Times Square."

     "Totally, but for the record, I still think my trench coat idea would've worked," Mikey leaned back in his seat, arms resting behind his head.

     "Ho-ho, there's the store," Leo commented on whatever shop he had seen.

     "Go get Splinter's birthday gift!" Mikey cheered. "Our eyes depend on it," he whimpered a bit. They refused to tell me what they had seen this morning, but they begged me to come with them to help Raph seem human enough while in the mascot suit.

     "Steady as she goes," Leo directed. "Old man on your right. Kid on your left. He's got peanut butter ice cream."

     "Oh, no, your allergies!" Donnie interrupted. "Evasive maneuver! Evasive maneuver!" he shuffled around the child, careful not to let it touch any part of the costume.

     "Oh, man, this is crazy cool," Raph sounded proud of himself. "First turtle to ever skate through a crowd totally unnoticed, and his name is Raph," the old computer that was set up in the Tank went off with a notification from April.

     "Video text from April!" Mikey cheered as he spun in his chair to look at the screen. He tapped it and the screen loaded, showing a turtle with a red mask in a hippo costume pooping cookies. "April's memes are so lit."

     "You know, I bet you think I wouldn't like cookies coming out of butts, but it turns out, I do," Donnie commented as the three of us watched over the youngest boy's shoulder.

     "Sorry," I heard Raph's voice and I peeked out the Tank's window. "Uh, my bad?"

     "You got this, Raph," I encouraged him to start moving again after he bumped into a guy with a weird mascot head.

     "Now go get that robe," Leo added. "Our night terrors end today."

     "Yes. What? No, no, no," Raph began muttering to himself. "My wallet? My wallet!"

     "Raph, everything okay, bud?" I asked as he started breathing heavily.

     "Uh, excuse me. Have you seen my wallet? There's a skull on it and a Teddy Bear Town Frequent Buyer Card inside," he began describing it to a random person.

     "Did he just say he lost his wallet?" Donnie's flat voice spoke up, but I couldn't quite tell if he was upset or confused.

     "No," Raph said defensively. "Have you seen my lost money?" he whispered to another group passing by him.

     "You did lose it!" Donnie yelled, clenching his teeth.

     "Well, you better find it," Leo ordered his brother. "Why does a hippo have pockets?"

     "Do not tell me you left it in the Lair!" Donnie looked like if he bent his Tech-Bo, it would snap in half.

     "Where's the last place you had it?" I kept my voice steady to show I wasn't angry, just wanting to help.

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