Portal Jacked!

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        ~Normal POV~

     We were lounging in the skatepark, my stomach rumbling as I stretched out across the floor. "I could really go for some pizza," I leaned back and looked at the boys behind me.

     "Gotta make it to Run of the Mill Pizza before they close, then," Raph looked between us at my craving.

     "Mmm, I can't wait to try their new meatless option: Vegetable," Donnie hummed at the thought. Leo walked through the doorway, draping his odachi over his shoulders.

     "Say no more, mis hermanos," the three turtles turned back to look at their brother. "I'll use my ultra-reliable portaling sword to get us there," I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

     "Since when is your sword oh so reliable?" I rolled over onto my stomach to look at the red-eared slider. He ignored my question and began waving his sword around to form a portal. We got sucked through, Leo and I landing in front of Señor Hueso's pizzeria.

     "Leo," I stood and crossed my arms. "Where are your brothers?" his eyes widened as he stood up and looked around the alleyway to see it was just the two of us.

     "Oy vey," he cringed back, making a motion with his hand to let us into the pizzeria. I pulled my hood over my head to hide my face as we made our way to Hueso's office.

     "Señor Hueso, you gotta help me!" Leo cried as he burst into the office, and I heard the clattering of bones as the man fell to the ground.

     "Certainly," the owner stood back up, dusting his suit off. "I will begin by teaching you how to leave. Bye-bye," he waved the boy out with a deadpanned expression.

     "But this is an emergency," Leo added on, trying to show his urgency. "You won't believe what happened," he quickly explained the situation to the skeleton. "I came out fine, but when they came out, they didn't come out. My brothers are gone."

     "Ah, this sounds like a classic case of portal jacking," Señor Hueso put a hand to his chin in thought as he went over Leo's situation in his head.

     "Uh, duh," the blue turtle nodded along with the thought. "What's portal jacking?"

     "Hidden City pirates can steal the contents of a portal," Hueso told the turtle. "especially if the portal maker is, shall we say, lame," Leo laughed at the skeleton's statement before straightening up.

     "You'll have plenty more chances to zing me while you help us find my brothers. Vámonos!" Leo picked up a suitcase, stuffing Señor Hueso's model ship into it, snapping it into little bits.

     "While I would like to help my favorite customer, you're not him," Hueso pointed to a picture of Todd that hung up on the wall. "And I do not go to the Hidden City. Look on the bright side: you'll get used to the crushing loneliness."

     "Ugh, look, bone man," Leo scoffed and slammed his hands down on the suitcase. "My brothers and I buy enough pizza to put Hueso, Jr., through bone college. Have you seen our frequent buyer card?" the paper unfolded and landed in front of the skeleton.

     "Fine," Hueso sighed at the sight. "I will show you the way to the Hidden City, but my help ends there," he led us around the back of the building and to the dumpster.

     "The Hidden City is in the trash?" Leo crouched on one of the lids as he peered into the garbage.

     "There are many doorways, but this one fits you best," Hueso bent down and pulled a lever on the side of the garbage, sending the trash plummeting into the Hidden City.

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