Sidekick Ahoy!

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was beside Donnie as we sat in a nearly empty movie theater. There were maybe a couple of other humans there, but other than them, it was me and the Turtles. I couldn't focus too much on it, but I was there because the boys enjoyed them.

     In a way, it was gonna be a movie date until the other turtles found out and told Donnie a theater down the street from where we were originally gonna go was playing a Jupiter Jim: Movie Marathon, and he just had to go.

     "Sometimes I think he won't save the galaxy in time, but then he does!" Mikey squealed out excitedly as we exited the building. The boys were decked out in their costumes and Donnie practically begged me to where the Atomic Lass outfit he had made for me.

     It fit me a bit differently now that I had bigger muscles, but I think it made the suit look even better on me. Based on the way Donnie stared for more than a couple of moments when I exited with it on, he must've thought the same.

     "Um, are we still movie marathoning, or is that the real Jupiter Jim signal?" Leo fanboyed at the symbol in the night sky. Raph let out a groan, and I couldn't help but do the same.

     "Oh, boy. I hope that's not--" we made out way to where the signal was projected from, finding out favorite psychotic actor, Marcus Moncrief. 

     "And it is," I finished Raph's statement from earlier. The light was shut off when Moncrief saw us.

     "Well, if it isn't Atomic Lass and my alien turtle allies," he made his way over to us with a grin. "A pleasure. Alas, I was hoping my signal would bring back to me my dear friend Red Fox," he admitted.

     "You mean the one you kidnapped, like how you kidnapped everyone else?" Raph said quickly, wrapping his arms around the twins and pulling them back cautiously. "You're not gonna kidnap us, are you?"

     "No, of course not," he waved it off like it was a stupid question. "Can you ever forgive me for acting like--" Leo cut him off by jumping on the actor and hugging him tightly.

     "You're forgiven!" the red-eared slider rubbed the top of the man's helmet.

     "Then it's good that you've come," Leo slid back down and joined my side. "Red Fox has abandoned me, and an alien invader threatens life on Earth. I need help. One of you four must become my new sidekick," I didn't even care that I was being left out of the competition, this was a Turtles thing anyway.

     "Guys, I get it," Raph pulled his brothers into a huddle while I side-eyed the actor. "When we were toddler mutant ninja turtles we all dreamed of being JJ's sidekick, but he's not a real superhero. Remember, he's a crazy actor who thinks he's Jupiter Jim."

     "But-- but-- but fun?" Leo pouted at Raph, Mikey, and Donnie copying his actions and making puppy dog eyes at Raph.

     "Fine," Raph groaned as he rolled his eyes. "You three have your fun, but if any real crime--" the eldest turtle was cut off by his excited brothers.

     "Okay, Mr. Jim. We are in!" Mikey announced.

     "Tryouts will begin stardate now," Moncrief said and I let out an annoyed huff.

     "Just make this stardate quick," I rolled my eyes, fidgeting with my staff in its mallet form. The actor led us back to his apartment once more to begin the trials.

     I was leaning against the desk by the Captain's Chair as I watched Donnie observe it. "Huh? Whoa. D, the Captain's Chair is not for sidekicks," Leo scolded his younger twin, who wore a mischievous grin.

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