Bonus Chapter: LFLS

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        ~Normal POV~

     My footsteps were soft as I made my way down the pipe toward Leo's room. Something in my brain was screaming to go see the blue-clad turtle. After that flash of green I saw in the Magic Town House, I felt the need to check on him. He was fast to go to his own room when we got home and I almost thought he had stolen one of Houdini's journals.

     My knuckle rapped gently outside his room, alerting him that I was outside it. I heard quiet noises inside, maybe a couple of near-silent curses before I was allowed entry. "Hey, Lee," I poked my head in, seeing the boy half-hidden under his blanket.

     "I thought you would be someone else," his eyes seemed glazed over, filled with worry; he was vulnerable. I stepped in, waiting for the boy to come out of hiding.

     "Everything okay?" I offered the boy a chance to tell me what was wrong. "You were fast to come in here, not really like you," in the dim lighting, I could see him chewing his lip nervously. Under his blanket, I could see his hand move, his fingers peeking out as he scratched his neck.

     "Just fine," he avoided my eyes and I took another testing step, not hearing his protest.

     "It okay if I sit here?" I gestured to a spot on his bed that would give him enough space from me. He nodded and I sat down, bringing a leg to my chest while the other stayed planted on the cold ground. "You know you can talk to me, right?" he tried to hide a quiet sniffle that left him. "Leo?"

     "S- sometimes," he started, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think about the gift Donnie gave me," he admitted to me as my eyes darted over to him. "And," he let out a stale chuckle, "and they aren't bad anymore, but I think it left some scars."

     "Lee?" he took my hand, leading me toward the bathroom where we would have better lighting. He tried to keep his light sniffles under control as we passed a room that was occupied at the moment. He craned his head to the side to show off a pale green spot on his neck. There were multiple, in fact, and my hand reached up to touch them.

     Leo drew back a bit as if my touching them made them feel the shock again. "I. . . I forgive Donnie, how could I not? He's my favorite twin, my-- my only twin. But, some dark part of my brain believes he meant to hurt me," he rambled in a whisper. "I'm scared that that stupid gift is still out there somewhere with someone waiting for the perfect prey to use it on."

     "It got destroyed, Leo," I told him in a gentle voice and his eyes flickered to meet mine. "I know it. Here," I pulled out my phone and showed him the fuzzy images Shelldon's scan had picked up and scanned. The red-eared slider took the device and swiped throw the pictures, eyes squinting as he observed it.

     "It's not the same color," his voice quivered as he spoke and my body tensed. "That's not it," he said firmly.

     "It couldn't be the lighting? Or the graininess?" my brows furrowed worriedly.

     "Y/n, that's not it," his eyes hardened as he looked between me and the images Shelldon had picked up in his scan. "I'm not crazy. It was on me; that shit was on me," he finalized, the small curse not being something I was used to from him.

     "Okay, I can tell D--" my words were cut off.

     "No!" Leo's voice rose louder than he meant for it to. "No, please," the desperation in his voice made me freeze. "Keep this between us. We can figure this out," his hand held my hand to keep me beside him. "Please, Y/n."

     "Okay, Leo," I spoke softly, clicking my phone off. "Let's have a sleepover in your room, yeah? And we can figure this out in the morning," I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to his room, letting him flop on his bed first. I shot Donnie a text that I was gonna stay the night in Leo's room cause we were gonna read Jupiter Jim comics.

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