The Mutant Menace

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        ~Normal POV~

     I hung over April's shoulder as she scrolled through her phone; it was a weekend, so I didn't have to worry about her going to her classes. These were the last two days I was spending at her house before I went back home. We were watching a video posted by 'Cybersleuth,' whose voice sounded strangely like our 'good friend' Baxter Stockboy.

     "Birthdays ruined. Parks destroyed. Museums vandalized," how did he get these clips of the Turtles? I stared in concern at the video. "Tonight on Cybersleuth, I reveal the culprits. Beware the Mutant Menace!" I rolled my eyes at the boy's claims.

     Have you seen this stupid video? Without a second thought, I texted Donnie with a link to the video. I tensed up in realization. I didn't speak to him for a week and a half, and the first thing I sent to him was a link to a Baxter Stockboy video about them.

     I let out a distressed groan and April looked at me with concerned eyes at the noise. She didn't even have to ask what was wrong, I simply dropped the phone down in front of her.

     "You did not just do that," she stared in disbelief as I buried my face into a pillow as I groaned even louder. I was a wreck all over again; okay, that's just me being over dramatic. "He saw it," she added. "He's typing," she commentated on what she watched happen. I waited in silence to hear what he texted; nothing.

     "And?" I sat up and looked at the girl as my cheeks burned in embarrassment.

     "And nothing, he stopped," moments later her own phone pinged and she snorted. "He texted me and he is so confused," she giggled as she read over the message. Her phone started ringing, but she didn't bother leaving the room to answer it. "You are conversing with April O'Neil," she mimicked the way Donnie would answer the phone and it made me laugh.

        ~Donnie's POV~

     I stared at my phone in complete shock. Y/n had texted me with a link to a video that Mikey was currently watching on my tablet with the question 'Have you seen this stupid video?' After no communication for what felt like ages of them hating me, that's the message I got. I started to type but froze. What the hell would I say to that? So I opted to text April about the text I received. When I didn't get a response even after it was seen, I called the girl.

     "You are conversing with April O'Neil," she mocked how I would answer my phone, then I heard something that made my cheeks flare up: laughter, Y/n's laughter. That was a sound I missed so badly. I was quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say now that I knew they were in the same room together.

     "April, I received a rather strange text from a mutual friend of ours," I started slowly and I could hear the girl snickering.

     "Oh, really?" she raised a brow at my statement. "What about?"

     "I did text you the details, I know you read it," I said flatly trying to keep a straight face. I could hear Y/n's muffled giggles as they leaned away from April.

     "Hmm? I don't recall what it said," she smirked, her eyes glancing at the young adult beside her. I heard a whisper-shout of 'don't make him repeat it. I embarrassed myself.' They didn't mean to send that text, they did it out of the habit of showing me dumb things.

     "It was about some stupid video that Mikey's actually watching right now," I wanted to keep the call going as long as I could. I just wanted to hear Y/n's voice again.

     "Ah, well, you have your answer," April turned to look at our friend. "We'll keep an eye on this little Cybersleuth. We won't let your crazy identities be revealed," April winked and hung up.

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