Mystic Library

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         ~Normal POV~

     We went to April's apartment when she called in a distressed state. She gave us zero context, only telling us to get there as fast as we could. She pulled us to her bathroom and I was surprised that five people could fit into the tiny space.

     "I was trying to give Mayhem a bath, but he poofed away and somehow he got stuck in the mirror!" she pointed at the small alien that seemed proud of his grand escape.

     "Aww, poor little fella," Mikey's pout reflected in the mirror.

     "You guys can get him out, right?" April turned to us with her brows furrowed in worry.

     "Of course!" Leo tried to assure the girl. "We're experts on minthic stuff," he grinned as April's face dropped at the boy's declaration.

     "Um, you mean mystic, right?" she peered at the boy through the corner of her eyes. "I think we should call Donnie," she pulled up the soft-shelled turtle's contact and Raph shot up.

     "No, no, no, no," he quickly brushed off the suggestion. "I got just the plan to get him out," I winced at every smash Raph caused as every item but the mirror that Mayhem had hidden in.

     "My bathroom!" April screamed as she reentered the room with Donnie by her side. Her glasses were pushed up into her hair instead of resting on the bridge of her nose. She did it almost all the time, but without the glare in her eyes, I could see the pure, fuming anger at the destroyed space.

     "So, you thought smashing everything but the mirror would get him out of the mirror?" Donnie asked flatly at the sight before him. 

     "I could smash the mirror!" Raph exclaimed as if it was so genius after the destruction he caused.

     "You can't smash the mirror with him in it," Leo gripped his brother's fist before he could punch the mirror. He might get trapped in the netherworld."

     "Omigosh!" Mikey exclaimed as the alien's tail began to disappear. "He's fading. We got to do something!" Mikey launched himself onto his techy brother, digging through his battle shell. "Donnie, whip up one of your magic science potions and get him out," the leg of the spider shell shoved his brother away.

     "Okay, magic science, not a thing, but, segue," I saw a grin curl on the boy's lips. "whenever I get stuck with a tough problem, I look for answers at my local library," he pushed Mikey to sit with his brothers who just stared silently. "It's a big place full of books," Leo snored at the thought as Raph and Mikey stared with now raised brows.

     "They are like comics, just thicker," Leo's eyes snapped open at the mention of comics.

     "Okay, like comics," Leo said as I glanced at Donnie, whose eyebrow was twitching in irritation. I spared April a sympathetic look as she was still in awe at her trashed bathroom. We made our way to the dark library and silently slipped inside through the air duct.

     Donnie slid forward on a cart, inhaling the scent of a random book from the cart and letting out a deep sigh with a smile. "Oh, these walls contain the sum knowledge of entire civilizations!" he grinned as he spouted out the fact.

     "Whoa! Jupiter Jim Saves a Cat!" Mikey raised, showing off the comic to his brothers and Donnie's shoulders slumped at his brother's childish ways.

     "Yes, right," he glanced away from the turtles, feeling the attention being drawn from him for a silly comic.

     "So where do we start?" Raph asked his techy brother. The purple turtle and I walked down separate shelves and I marveled over the different collections that were stuffed together. "There's, like, a million books here."

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