Jupiter Jim Ahoy!

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        ~Normal POV~

     We sat on the ground, the Turtles watching another Lou Jitsu movie while I was leaning against Donnie's arm as I scrolled through my phone. "Oh, oh," Splinter's excited voice made me look up from my phone as he stood in front of the projector. "a fun trivia fact about this scene--"

     "What are you doing?" Mikey cried out. "Play the punch!" his brothers chanting "punch" behind him.

     "I thought you'd enjoy some inside tidbit info from your movie hero. . . me," he told his sons, who started chanting "punch" again. "Whoever said never meet your idols never met me. Am I right boys? I can still remember every stuntman's name. Ryker, Chad, Wilder, the Brian twins, Kris with a K, Josh. . ." he continued to rattle off names and I peered down at my phone.

     "D, check this out," I pointed my phone at the boy and he looked down at it with a gasp.

     "Good Galileo," he took my phone to show his brothers. "The original Jupiter Jim is gonna be at Galaxy Con!" he showed it off to his brothers excitedly.

     "Marcus Moncrief?!" Leo sat up to get a glimpse of the screen. "He's my all-time favorite actor slash role model slash father figure," he rambled on.

     "I am standing right here," Splinter crossed his arms as he glared at his son. "And really? Marcus Moncrief? That guy couldn't hold my lobster bib."

     "Hey, we should get him to sign our special edition Jupiter Jim 1,000," Raph suggested and Mikey leaned over his shoulder.

     "To the comic book safe!" Donnie exclaimed and the Turtles took off, leaving me and Splinter in the living room.

     "Hmm. . . Kris with a K would never treat me like that," he huffed.

     "Splinter, sometimes you need to let them be kids," I squatted down as I spoke to him. "They've been training to get better all their lives, they need their own days, too. They're always going on missions or holed up in the lair, kids need fun days," I reasoned with the rat.

     "I know. It's just. . . I like knowing my sons are here and safe," he told me. "I do not like to ask them to spend time with me. I have to be strong and strict, I am a father and their sensei," he spoke.

     "I know, Splinter, but they're growing up now. They can handle themselves, and I'm always there to keep an eye on them," I smiled as Donnie peaked around the corner. "Speak of the devil," I let out a chuckle. "We'll be back tonight, Splinter. Try not to pull all your fur out worrying."

     "I give you the honor of wearing the Atomic Lass costume," he gestured to a spandex suit that I had never seen in his lab until today.

     "This wouldn't happen to be the reason why didn't let me into your workshop for a whole week, would it?" I raised a brow at the boy who looked away shyly. It was sewn to my exact measurements, and there were a few different pieces to the costume. There was an up-to-the-neck bodysuit that was a teal-ish blue, a purple leotard that went over it, and a neon green belt to clip around my waist. There were also purple leather gloves and heeled ankle boots.

     I stepped out of the lair as I had the whole costume on and I could see the large grin forming on Donnie's face at the sight of me in the outfit. I held my weapon he crafted, it being in its mallet form as I held it over my shoulder. "It's a perfect fit, D! What'dya think?" I showed off the outfit. He was speechless and had a blush on his cheeks.

     "Let's rock and roll, Teetlez," I slowly got used to the feeling of walking in heels. I hadn't done it since I was young and I would try on my mom's heels and walk around the house in them. Raph drove the Tank to where the event was taking place.

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