Air Turtle

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        ~Normal POV~

     Upon the boys', cough Donnie's cough, request, we were out in the middle of the night so the Turtles could play basketball. Donnie was on the same team as his twin, who seemed to be doing just fine without him.

     "Leon's on fire tonight, boys," the red-eared slider grinned cockily as he moved to the middle of the court, catching the ball Raph had tossed at him. "Next basket's for the win."

     Donnie looked up from his phone with a bored expression, looking ready to go back to the lair already. I adjusted the purple hood over my head as Donnie leaned further back into the hoodie I had given him.

     "Let's shut his flashy blue face down," Raph ordered his younger brother, eliciting a laugh from Leo.

     "You can't guard me," Leo rolled the ball over his shoulder and caught it in his hands. "Double me. I dare you," he squinted at his brothers with a smug grin.

     "Are you daring us to double you?" Mikey gestured between himself and his eldest brother before pointing an accusing finger at the older twin.

     "No, I'm double-daring you to double me," his grin widened, liking the idea of a challenge.

     "You did not just double-dare us to double you," Raph shouted and Donnie decided he should actually try and participate. He handed me his phone as he slid into the court, standing near the hoop.

     "Ah, I'm open!" he waved to get his twin's attention. "Transfer it!" Leo bounced the ball off the ground, hitting it with his shell and it rocketed towards Donnie and it bounced off his face flying into the air.

     "Victory!" Leo shouted as he jumped into the air and caught the ball, throwing it over his brothers and into the basket. Through stifled chuckles, I checked on the purple turtle to make sure he wasn't hurt. And he wasn't, only annoyed by Leo's use of his face as a bounce pad.

     "This happens every time," Raph growled as he squeezed the ball between his hands I was surprised it didn't pop at the pressure.

     "Not the dancing. Anything but the dancing," Mikey glanced back to see Leo's victory dance.

     "Let's get outta here," Raph threw the ball back at the cheering boy as the trio walked off. My eyes darted between Leo and the others. I brushed off the bad feeling I had and chased after the turtles, ready to take a short nap at the lair.

     It was weirdly quiet the next morning, and I decided to investigate it. Well, Raph is here, Mikey's still sleeping, and Donnie went to the lab early. I passed Splinter a few times, who eyed me curiously as I walked down another pipe for the umpteenth time. Where's Leo? When the boy was absent from his room, I ran to the skatepark, where he would usually be on his own.

     "D, have you seen Leo?" I skidded to a stop outside the lab door.

     "Since when are you concerned about my brother's whereabouts?" his goggles flicked up and he peered back at me.

     "Why? You jealous?" I teased as the boy's cheeks flushed and he let out a huff, turning away from me to get back to work. "Don, I'm sorry," I walked into the lab and flopped over his shoulder. I kissed his cheek and he tried to ignore me. "Forgive me?" another kiss. "Donnie," I poked him.

     "Fine, I have not seen Leo since we left him at the court last night," he turned to look at me, flicking up his goggles once more.

     "Thank you, Donnie, you're the best," I gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking off out of the lab. Sadly, kisses and hugs were where my confidence ended; how the hell could I properly ask this turtle out? How do you ask anyone to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?

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