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        ~Normal POV~

     A few months had passed after the defeat of the Shredder and the boys had finally found their new lair. It was an abandoned train station and Donnie was finally bringing me to see his new and improved lab.

     "No peaking," he covered my eyes with his hands as he led me further through the station, passing by the different cars that the boys had claimed as their new rooms. "Just around this corner," he guided me around the edge to keep me from slamming into it.

     "Whoa," I let out quietly in awe. It was designed much differently from his old workshop seeing as he had more room to work with. "Donnie, it looks amazing," I smiled up at my boyfriend who wore a proud grin.

     "Not only that. I have something else for you," my pinky latched to his as he pulled me further into the lab. "A new and improved Tech-Bo just for you," he handed me the weapon. "It's almost exactly like your old weapon, only it should be more durable. And I finished up a new version of your compression gloves and socks!"

     "Don, what did I do to deserve you?" I smiled up at the soft-shelled turtle. He grinned at me and motioned for me to sit down while he grabbed the new tech.

     "These ones are made with a more comfortable material, I know how you wear them for prolonged periods," the purple-clad turtle rolled up a leg of my sweatpants, unraveling the old bandages. His hand ran over old scars that marked up my calves. "I'm lucky to be with someone as forgiving as you are," he didn't meet my eyes as he tugged the knee-high compression socks.

     "And I'm lucky to have a boyfriend who's a genius," I reached out a hand to ruffle the top of his head. "D, you don't have to beat yourself up over a situation I got myself into, you know."


     "Buh-buh-bup. But nothing. Nothing could make me stop loving you," I cut the boy off. "I'm glad April introduced us. I'll never stop telling you that. I don't regret anything. No matter how many injuries I get, no matter how difficult things might get, I love you, Donnie."

     "I love you, too, Y/n," he didn't look up, instead swapping the leg he was working on. I peeled off the gloves on my arms, undoing the bandages that were wrapped up to my wrist. I looked over the scarred skin with a solemn expression. Mom still had no idea about what had happened to me, I didn't know if I wanted her to know.

     "How are your brothers settling in?" I changed the subject for my own sake. "I'm excited to be able to explore this new lair a bit."

     "I think Mikey's the most excited to be in a new home," the soft-shelled turtle looked up at me as he tugged the other pant leg back down. "He started working on our family mural again. I'm certain he'll want to show you later."

     "I'm excited to see it now," I bounced a little in the chair. "How's Leo adapting to the whole 'leader' role?" I glanced up at Donnie as he wrapped up new bandages that were made for my hands after he realized the tremors weren't too high up my arm. They reminded me of the wraps that boxers wore and it made me feel a bit more badass.

     "It's been difficult for him, I think," Donnie replied, his eyes focused on my hands so the wrap was perfect. "He got so used to being able to goof off on a mission, that it's been hard. Raph's been a bit more laid back, but he still worries about us a lot."

     "Yeah, that comes with being the oldest, doesn't it?" I chuckled. "How are you settling in?" my hand cupped my boyfriend's cheek to make him look at me.

     "It's definitely different. I'm still getting used to it, honestly," he admitted. "I never thought I would say I miss the old lair, but it's what I knew, you know?" his eyes shifted nervously at his honesty.

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