Pizza Puffs

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        ~Normal POV~

     I woke up to a sudden call from the main room. I slipped out from under Donnie's arm to see who was being so loud late at night.

     "Raph?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, looking at the large turtle curiously. "Why are you up so late?"

     "Stopping crimes," he said proudly before his shoulders slumped. "No thanks to my sleeping brothers."

     "Well, thank you for protecting our home," I smiled up at the turtle he gazed down at me with grateful eyes. His large hand ruffled the top of my head while he headed toward the kitchen. "What's in the bag?" I asked curiously as I followed him.

     "Poisoned sweets," he pulled out a marker and wrote a small note on the bag. "I'm gonna have Donnie analyze them in case there's any more in circulation," he taped up the cabinet as well as put police lines across them. "If he ever bothers to wake up."

     "Raph. it's rare for him to even get a good night's sleep," I followed the boy as he headed back to his room. "I try to let him get as much sleep as he can. I'll let him know in the morning, though," I stopped at the mouth of his room as he walked in and flopped onto his bed. "Goodnight, Raph. And thank you."

     I walked back to Donnie's room, seeing the boy still peacefully sleeping where I left him, arms wrapped around a pillow substitute after I left. I gently pulled the pillow and snuggled back up to the turtle.

     He was such a softie when it was to two of us, and I absolutely loved it. It was surprising when I wasn't woken up until the sun had risen, meaning Donnie had gotten a full night's sleep for the first time in a while. Even more surprising, it wasn't Donnie who woke me up, no, instead I woke up to Raph's shouts and I realized I was cuddling a pillow close to my chest.

     I exited the turtle's room to see the three younger brothers munching down on the treats Raph had locked away the night before. "Guys, you know those are poisoned, right?" I asked as Leo popped another one in his mouth. Not even two seconds later, Raph appeared in the mouth of the pipes.

     "Guys! What are you doing?" I saw them tense up at his shout. "Those things have mystic poison. I clearly wrote, 'Danger. Do not eat,'" he showed off the cloth the snacks had once been in. Leo let out a chuckle at his brother's antics.

     "We didn't fall for that old chestnut," the red-eared slider leaned back in the recliner.

     "Selfish Raph trying to keep us from eating his pizza puffs," Mikey added to Leo's words.

     "What? Raph doesn't lie," the eldest turtle argued with his brothers.

     "Oh, really?" Donnie spoke up and slid over to his brother, leaning against the snapping turtle's frame boredly. "How about when you tell us training starts an hour earlier because you know we're always late, hmm?"

     "Or when you told Mikey that if he doesn't take out the trash, a trash monster will eat him in his sleep?" the older twin leaned on Raph's other side.

     "I only do that because you guys are irresponsible," Raph reasoned with his brothers, brows creased in stress. "I can't trust you to do simple stuff, like show up for a mission, and not eat poison! Back me up here, Y/n," he looked at me with pleading eyes.

     "Guys, he did come home in the middle of the night with those. He's just trying to protect us," I spoke up. "I told him I would have you run an analysis when we got up, but you woke up first," my eyes shifted to Donnie.

     "What poison?" Leo asked. "I don't feel anything," we all glanced at the red-eared slider as he spoke up.

     "Meat Sweats put a mystic toxin in-- are you sweating?" Raph's anger dissolved into concern.

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