Repairin' the Baron

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        ~Normal POV~

     April had called Raph to her house to repair the ceiling fan for the umpteenth time and we looked at it cautiously. "There, that should keep the fan from falling down again," the boy hopped from the step ladder, looking proud of his work.

     "Thanks, Raph," April let out a sigh as she looked at the fan that fell almost immediately and she groaned. "Not again! My stupid neighbor," she clenched a fist in frustration.

     "Your neighbor keeps knocking the fan down?" Raph sat up from his fallen position.

     "Yeah, it's driving me crazy!" the dark-skinned girl glared up at the ceiling. "Usually it's just a lot of clip-clopping," she made a small gesture with her hands. "but lately it sounds like a dinosaur on a trampoline," more debris fell from the ceiling as she said that.

     "Oh no, no, no, no, no," Raph shook his head as he glared at the ceiling as well. "You can't have that. I'm gonna set this guy straight."

     We walked upstairs to the apartment where all the noise was coming from, Raph standing with his hands on his hips in front of the door. "Now, don't make a scene. You're not gonna make a scene. You gonna make a scene? Don't make a scene," April rambled quickly, scared that Raph was, oh, I don't know, going to make a scene?

     "Raphael doesn't make a scene," he brushed off April's worries. "He's just going to politely give the new tenant his perspective on the noise situation," he dug into his shell, pulling out a ski mask. "And to make sure that neighbor is not scared. . . a disguise," he tugged it over his face.

     "Raph, you look like you're gonna rob the poor soul," I looked at him with my brows raised in worry. Brushing off my concerns, Raph knocked on the door anyway.

     "Excuse me, kind neighbor, I was hoping to have a friendly word with you about. . ." the snapping turtle spoke loudly so the tenant could hear him through the wooden door.

     "I told you, Carol, I do not want to meet your daughter," the voice on the other side spoke before the door flung open, revealing a person I had suspected when April mentioned 'clip-clopping footsteps.' Draxum seemed just as surprised to see us as we were to see him.

     "Baron Draxum?" Raph shouted in disbelief before tackling the man to the ground. "I don't know what kind of evil plan you're up to, but--" he was cut off by the yokai trying to force him off, clearly not as powerful as he once was.

     "My haunches! Get off me!" Draxum stood once more, straining as he tried to raise a vine to restrain Raph. There was an awkward pause as we watched the man struggle. The tiny vine popped out of the wood, wilting immediately.

     "Raph, what are you doing?" my eyes darted to Mikey who was dressed in a dinosaur onesie and standing on a trampoline.

     "Mikey?" Raph's head whipped around and he pointed an accusing finger at his brother. "What are you doing?"

     "Dinosaur Trampoline always cheers you up, so I thought I'd try it on Baron Draxum," Mikey explained to his brother as he bounced around heavily.

     "I do feel my confusion being replaced by joy," Raph hummed in thought.

     "Not me," April shoved Raph out of the way. "Mikey, why the heck are you helping Baron Draxum?" she gestured from the turtle to the yokai.

     "Baron Draxum needs the help of no one," the sheep declared and Mikey put a hand on his hip, pointing a finger at the sheep-man.

     "Oh, really? When I found you, were you or were you not living on the street?" the box turtle glared harshly at the man.

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