The Longest Fight

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     ~Normal POV~

     "Okay, we got pizza rolls, pizza balls, pizza tots, pizza puffs, and duck-a-l'orange pizza!" Mikey named off the different treats that were splayed on the table. Raph and Donnie were lounging about and Leo was skateboarding.

     "As if today could get any more perfect," Donnie looked back at us as something loaded up on his tablet, which was being held up by the spider shell, the glowing blue light grabbing his attention once more.

     "Live from Tokyo, the Extreme Skateboard Finals," a male announcer spoke up catching everyone's attention.

     "Hey, it's starting, guys," Raph called out to us as he scooted closer to his younger brother.

     "Three hours of insane tricks. And the rumors are true-- Sydney Allen will attempt a 14-40 on the Mega-Ramp," I leaned against Raph's shoulder to get a glimpse at the tablet.

     "Is that even possible?" Donnie leaned in closer, enticed by the show.

     "No way!" Mikey added with a large grin on his face.

     "She's gotta be a mutant," Raph nodded with his brothers.

     "Hey!" Leo's call grabbed our attention as he did a handstand on his board at the top of the ramp. "I bet I could do a 14-40," Donnie let out a sigh at the older boy's declaration.

     "I will forego my usual, 'No, don't. That's four rotations. That's crazy talk, Leo,' and skip right ahead to, 'Cover the food,'" Raph and Mikey immediately ran to shield the table as I stared at the cocky turtle, Donnie opting to watch his tablet.

     "For Sydney!" he leaped up and made his way down the ramp, passing the food table and going straight up the opposite ramp, posing as he flew into the air. He dropped back down, losing his balance as he passed the food once more. Flying back up the ramp, he jumped once more, the board spinning a couple of times before rocketing over our head and Leo sliding back down the slide with a pout.

     "The Wi-Fi!" Raph yelled as the video on Donnie's tablet buffered. "Wi-Fi. Skating," the buff turtle grabbed younger brother by the shoulders, clearly distressed. "Raph watch. Donnie fix. Raph happy."

     "I need pre-game. Stats, highlights of past stats, projections of future stats," he tugged the tablet close to his face. "We're missing the stats, people!"

     "And we're gonna miss Sydney and the 14-40!" Mikey cried out as he and his brothers began sprinting around in a panic.

     "Everybody cool it!" I yelled and they froze in place. "There's worse things in the world than--"

     "Oh, who are you kidding?" Raph shouted out, burying his face in his hands. "Our lives are ruined!"

     "Why don't you just ask your dad to use the TV?" they all looked at me and then at Raph, who started a walk of shame to the living room of the lair, where Splinter lounged peacefully. I watched them all walk in front of him, dropping onto their knees in a pleading manner, pouts forming on each of their faces.

     "Dad, you gotta let us watch TV," Raph started with his hands rung together. I leaned against the doorway, watching the act with an amused grin.

     "We'll do anything," Mikey continued.

     "Anything? Hmm. . ." Splinter poured himself some tea out of a strange-looking kettle. "That is more than something and just shy of everything. Go on."

     "Gourmet dinner," Mikey suggested.

     "Nostril waxing," Donnie added on with a shudder.

     "Hey, Raph'll even carry you around 24/7," Leo offered as Mikey slowly reached for the remote only to get his hand smacked away.

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