Bonus Chapter 6: This is Home

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TW: Implication of temporary character death

      ~Normal POV~

     My vision came back and I could see the night sky of New York. Cool air blew over my overheating body, not helping the multiple waves of nausea that were passing over my body. A shriek came from the collar before it administered another shock.

     My breath caught in my throat as I felt the metal around my neck grow hot. Every minute, another shock came, each feeling worse than the last. It was a grim thought, but I was amazed I was still alive, in pain, but alive. Raph was also pushing through the pain of the shocks.

     Leo was drained, not being able to form a portal that would get us to the lair. The lair. . . was that home? My mind felt foggy at the thought of a home. Where was home? My eyes fell shut in a slow blink, blearily gazing around my surroundings when they cracked open again. I could hear Raph's quiet counting before the shock captured both of us once more.

     He breathed out raggedly before climbing down into the sewer, one of the other brothers climbing in after us to close it. "We're almost there," the snapping turtle was trying to soothe me, but it sounded like it was more toward himself.

     "Just get them to my lab," Donnie ordered as he rushed ahead, his footfalls fading into the distance. I could hear Raph continue to count under his breath as he tried to rush to the lab, but moved sluggishly after enduring the shocks with me. I faintly heard clattering in the distance, fuzzy eyes noticing the mess of his lab as I was placed on the desk.

     It would be okay to take a nap, right? I was getting tired from all the shocks. My eyes drooped a bit in exhaustion. Just a small nap, okay, Donnie? I glanced at the focused turtle, his goggles pulled over his eyes as he looked between me and the holographic screen.

     "You're gonna be all right," a voice reassured me as my eyes closed in another slow blink. Each time, my eyes were harder to open. I was just tired, right? A shock ran through my body, but I almost didn't feel it. "Just stay awake a little longer," the voice was distant. Wasn't he right in front of me?


     "I should introduce everybody," I saw April in front of me and I blinked rapidly. "Guys, this is Y/n, Y/n this is Raph, Leo, Donnie, and Mikey," my eyes followed as she pointed to each turtle. My eyes stayed on the purple-clad turtle for a moment, my heart pumped in a weird rhythm. What was that?


     "You two have fun, I'll hang back with Donnie, 'kay?" I heard my own voice, but it didn't feel like it belonged to me. My eyes shifted between the video on my phone and the purple turtle behind a plastic quarantine barrier. The quiet snickers from the turtle that made my heart almost leap out of my chest. What was this feeling?


     "Mikey!" my voice shrieked out and I could feel the wind in my hair. Forcing myself to look back, I saw the quickly approaching ground. My eyes squeezed shut, accepting my fate as I plummeted toward the concrete. My body suddenly jerked to a stop and my eyes opened, meeting Donnie's. His brows furrowed as he stared worriedly. He and Mikey pulled me onto the Bugslapper and my shaky hands held onto the purple battle shell.


     April's jetpack backfired and I felt that same weightless feeling, the spider shell held me tighter to Donnie, making sure I didn't plummet to my death. I felt Donnie's hand on the back of my head, holding me closer to his plastron as we fell. My heart was racing, but I didn't know if it was adrenaline or something else.

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