Goyles, Goyles, Goyles

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        ~Normal POV~

     I sat beside Splinter who was looking through a photo album. I had originally slipped into the lair to hang out with the Turtles, but the reminiscing rat caught my eye before I could get to the skatepark.

     "What's this, Splints?" I sat on the arm of the recliner, making the rat jump at my sudden appearance. He looked between me and the book as I squinted to see a picture under his thumb.

     "A book of memories," he hummed as he brushed his thumb away and I held in a snort at the picture of a younger Donnie. "I can remember almost every story behind the photo," he mused.

     "Aww," I cooed at a baby Mikey, beside that was a photo of the young Turtles sleeping in a pile, something they still did to this day.  "You're a good dad, Splinter, you know that? The boys are lucky to have a dad in their life still," I smiled as my eyes traced over the pages.

     "What's the story behind this one?" I pointed to another picture that caught my eye. It was the boys smiling up at the camera holding their old weapons that were destroyed the day we saved Mayhem. They had a few cuts and bruises but looked otherwise proud of themselves.

     "This was the day I first began to train them. I was going to teach them responsibility and how to fight properly," he told me as he looked at the picture. "I left the room for a moment and they beat themselves up with them," he let out a chuckle. "I learned not to leave them alone with weapons after that."

     I leaned further down as I relaxed. "How did you meet them? Or adopt them, I guess is the right question," Splinter paused for a moment, closing the book and putting it off to the side. As much as I wanted to make fun of pictures of baby Donnie, I needed my full focus on Splinter.

    "That is something I will remember like it was just yesterday," he said with a serious tone. "I will tell you my story, but you are not to tell my sons. I will tell them the whole story when I am ready," I nodded in agreement with Splinter's terms.

        ~Splinter's Flashback, Third POV~

     It was another dreary day in a cell of Big Mama's Battle Nexus after Lou Jitsu refused to fight another battle. He was tired of the violence, trying to be at peace with himself and other living beings. He was holding a rat gently in his hands, before two dents formed in the door in front of him.

     The cage door opened and two gargoyles landed face first, letting out a groan of pain. "You're coming with us, bro," one of the little demons spoke up, glaring at the human. "You give us any lip, we'll mess you up big-time."

     The human stayed silent, meditating with the rat that for some reason had hair like his own. "If Big Mama sent you, I have not changed my mind," his tired eyes opened to look at the two gargoyles. "No more fighting. I have sworn off violence," the rat bit his finger, making the human exclaim in pain. "Why, you little--" he took a deep breath as the rat skittered away and hid in the collar of his outfit.

     "I mean, I forgive you, little friend," Lou Jitsu closed his eyes to calm himself. His eyes snapped open as he felt a warm liquid dribbling down his wrist. "Whoa! That's kind of a lot of blood."

     "Oh, we're not from Big Mama," the chubbier gargoyle informed the human. "Our boss just wants to use you in weird, unsafe experiments," he admitted while Lou Jitsu stared at him, unbothered by the words.

     "As long as I don't have to fight," he shrugged and went back to meditating, letting the gargoyles lift him out of his prison and bring him to whoever their boss was. It was a short flight, the human didn't even fight when he was trapped in a vine-y prison.

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