Bonus Chapter 3: No Escape

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TW: Blood and mentions of puking

        ~Normal POV~

     My eyes snapped open, taking in my surroundings; it was that dank cell I had somehow managed to fall asleep in. My mouth felt dry, no water source for me to get a drink from in the room. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and soon the cell door opened.

     "Tsuchigumo!" the cloaked yokai walked in with an excited grin. "A gift from Big Mama," she entered the room, not waiting for me to greet her. She placed a box in front of me, watching as I pulled it closer. I pulled out a bodysuit that looked to be my exact measurements, much like the Atomic Lass suit Donnie had made me. The suit was sleeveless, a dark purple like the color Big Mama wore along with mint-colored accents. There were combat boots that went along with it, the bottoms being the same color as the fur on Big Mama's jacket.

     On the thighs of the suit, there were mint-colored spiderwebs stretching across them. Under different circumstances, I would think it was beautiful. Along with it, she showed off my oni mask that seemed to have been altered a bit. "Come, little one. Let's get you changed and find the perfect weapon!" she cheered and led me from the cell.

     In the dressing room, she stuck a hand out, telling me to pause and I did. I was already a few steps behind her, not wanting to walk too close. She moved closer, her cold hand grazing my skin as she pushed a button on the collar. It shifted in color to that haunting purple she adorned, something I didn't know the collar would do. Had Draxum really changed the tech so much?

     "Please, get changed, Tsuchigumo. Big Mama will look through our weapons. I can't just let you use that Turtley-boos weapon, it could have a tracker, after all," she shook her head with a smile, leaving me with the privacy to redress myself.

     The suit fit me perfectly, and I gazed at myself in the mirror. Aside from the chunky collar around my neck, I could almost say the outfit was flattering on me. I examined the oni mask, realizing it actually wasn't the one Donnie had crafted. This one had no function other than being a decoration to make me look menacing.

     The spider yokai returned after a bit, looking me up and down with a delighted squeal. "Little one," my eyes darted to her form, tensing as she moved closer. "Big Mama found this for you," my eyes glanced at the weapon she held out to me.

     It was a modified Bo staff, a blade stuck out one end of it. My reflection stared back at me in the weapon. I spun the wood in my hand as I tested the weight, eyes watching Big Mama's reflection glint in the sharp metal. Without hesitation, I swung the weapon at the yokai, the collar letting out a warning beep before electricity shot through me.

     "Oh, Tsuchigumo," Big Mama looked at me, a dangerous look in her eye as she looked at my crumpled figure. I rested on one knee, trying to regain feeling in my body that was still jolting, even after the shock ended. "You didn't think you could just harm Big Mama with no consequences, did you?"

     "Oh well, you'll have to learn one way or another," the spider yokai grinned down at me. "Up, up. You have a fight soon," she ordered and I stood when the collar beeped at me. My legs shook under my weight and the gaze of the woman. My hands gripped the wood tightly as I followed the woman to the room where I would wait for the fight.

        ~The Turtles~

     "Hey, D!" Mikey peaked his head into his brother's lab, seeing the boy pacing. The box turtle looked at his brother with furrowed brows at his nervous walking. "Donnie?" he called at the soft-shelled turtle whipped his head to look at his youngest brother.

     "Mikey, hey," he tried to push his worries. "Um, is Y/n here yet?" he asked the orange-clad boy. His brows furrowed farther as he shook his head.

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