Warren and Hypno, Sitting in a Tree

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         ~Normal POV~

     It was a semi-normal night for once. We were riding in the Tank and looking for a place to celebrate April's birthday.

     "I told you guys my birthdays are always a disaster," the dark-skinned girl leaned against the arm of Raph's chair. "It's cursed," she assured us.

     "Curse, smursh," Leo waved off the girl's claim. "We are gonna birthday so hard, you're gonna need a permission slip," the red-eared slider grinned at himself. The Tank abruptly stopped, almost sending me flying forward.

     "What was that?" I glanced back at April, her eyes wide at the sudden brake. I turned back to see the twins had both fallen to the ground and I held in a snicker. Raph peaked his head out first, making a noise that meant it was something bad. April and I stayed in the car with the twins while Mikey and Raph checked out the damage.

     "Okay, give it to me straight," Donnie told his brothers but hoped it wasn't awful. "How bad is the damage?"

     "Oh, it's, uh, not that bad," Raph replied uncertainly.

     "Oh, it's real bad," Mikey spoke up, causing Donnie to tense up. I patted the soft-shelled turtle gently as I saw his fist clenching as his younger brother kept going.

     "See, I told you my birthday was cursed," April wore a smug grin, scrolling on her phone as she lounged in Raph's seat.

     "Come on, relax," Leo leaned back in his seat. "This is just a mini bump in the road, a hiccup. There's no way this night gets worse," as if on cue, something else slammed onto the Tank and Donnie shot up from his seat.

     "What was that?" his nervous eyes met mine while the other two in the Tank paid no mind to the loud thud. We all jumped out of our seats when Raph and Mikey dropped back into the Tank.

     "Real quick, we just need to take care of this tiny, no-big-deal, non-life-threatening situation," Raph spoke through a nervous chuckle as the twins stared with raised brows and I crossed my arms. "Then it's on to April birthday fun. Prepare to fire some cool weapons!" Raph commanded his younger brother.

     "Which ones?" Donnie's fingers hovered over the dashboard, ready on Raph's command.

     "All of them," the worm man from a few months ago was sitting on the console and I eyed him warily.

     "Okay, who is that, and how'd he get in here?" Leo glanced over at the worm as April scrambled over to us.

     "Hold the phone!" she knocked Leo out of his seat as she stood up at the strange recognition of the worm. "You're Warren Stone," she leaned against the dashboard as she stared at the worm with admiration. "I'd recognize that hair anywhere!"

     "Why, yes, I am," he brushed his hair back as April watched, squishing her cheeks and smiling widely. "Are you a Stonehead? That's what I call my fans," he said with a cheeky grin as he peered back at Donnie, the purple turtle looking unamused.

     "Member since 2010," she flipped down her fan club booklet to show off years of dedication.

     "Excellent," the mutant complimented. "Now by the power vested in me by my own fan club, I'm deputizing you to get my hippo roomie back," the mutant pointed out the window to Hypno and Draxum standing in the middle of the street.

     I watched Warren and Donnie wrestle over something the worm had said as I tried to glance past them, seeing one of Draxum's gargoyles pointing at us and Hypno looking into the Tank. "Get off my console!" Donnie yelled at the unmoving worm.

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