Man VS. Sewer

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     A week had passed with no word from Y/n; no returned texts or calls. I felt devastated without seeing or hearing from them. Mikey, being the optimist he was, suggested that they were just busy with classes when he saw how down I was. I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth about what actually happened. I couldn't tell him that they were probably never coming back.

     I spent most of that week in my lab, distracting myself with work. I hadn't been sleeping, a short power nap was all I had if you could even call falling asleep for 15 minutes a power nap. I avoided my own room at all costs, and my brothers were starting to notice how easy it was to irk me lately.

     One evening, I managed to enter my room, my fingers tightly gripping the sweatshirt Y/n always wore. I wrapped it over my shoulders without another thought, exiting back to my lab with the newfound warmth. I would never admit it out loud, but I really missed their presence.

     I missed how they would lean over my shoulder while I worked or while I scrolled through my phone. I missed their laughter when one of my brothers did or said something stupid. I missed their compliments on my work and I just missed their voice. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the various texts on my end of apologies and just asking to talk.

     April hadn't even given me an update on how they were, which concerned me even more. I really was in the wrong. I was the one that needed to man up and apologize in person. I tapped out of our texts, swiping to my gallery to look at the picture of Y/n in my hoodie with a small smile at the sight.

     "Donnie! Are you ready yet?" my head darted up at the sudden call. Ready? For what? My younger brother popped up in the doorway of my lab, head tilted to the side. "D, this is the warmest day this fall, you can't just waste it in your lab."

     "What are we doing?" my brain was foggy, holding no recollection of what was so special about today.

     "We're supposed to go tubing, remember?" Mikey spoke, raising a brow in concern. "Are you okay, D? You never tend to forget things," he stepped in further, catching a glimpse of the fabric around my shoulders. "You should change, I don't think Y/n wants their sweater getting dirty when we go tubing," he offered me a soft smile before leaving. Maybe I could use another distraction, one from my brothers might be nice.

        ~Normal POV~

     I scrolled through my phone at the missed calls and texts from Donnie. I couldn't bring myself to answer any of them. I had spent the past week at April's apartment and she skipped her classes to look after me. She always told me when Donnie would text her concerned and I would tell her not to say anything about me. I needed time.

     "Hey, Y/n," the dark-skinned girl greeted me softly upon entering her room. I offered her the best smile I could muster. "I brought you some coffee and grilled cheese," she handed me the plate and thermos.

     "What would I do without you, April O'Neil?" I slightly joked.

     "Well, you definitely wouldn't have a broken heart," she replied solemnly as she slumped on the bed. We met eyes, both of us falling silent. I sighed as I fell into thought.

     "Should I be mad at him, April?" I placed the plate on the bed beside me as I pulled my knees to my chest.

     "I'm not going to tell you how you should feel," she shook a head at my question. "Do you feel mad?" I shook my head at her query.

     "No, but I feel like I should be. He had this and I don't know for how long," I let out a huff. "He keeps texting me about how sorry he is, but I wish he would come and say it to my face; to come and tell me why he did it," I explained to her. "I want to know why he hid it from me."

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