Shreddy or Not

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        ~Normal POV~

     It took a moment to calm the family in the lair back down and be rational about the situation we were dealing with. I was looking over the woman for injuries while the boys stood behind me discussing what was happening

     "You think this lady who passed out on the ground is all right?" Raph asked and I peered back at him.

     "She seems fine," Donnie tried to brush it off and pretend he wasn't concerned for the woman laying before me.

     "She needs our help," I forced myself to speak, even though it hurt to do. I jumped a bit when the lady pushed herself back into a kneeling position. I let her loop an arm around my neck as I helped her to her feet.

     "Rest," Splinter spoke gently while I glanced between him and the woman. "You are safe. This is the home of Hamato Yoshi," he put a hand to his chest.

     "Who?" Leo squinted at his dad at the introduction.

     "That is me, you dum-dum," the rat glared at his son.

     "Hamato Yoshi?" the woman echoed the name. "I am Hamato Karai," she introduced herself, earning a gasp from Splinter.

     "My great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great. . ." he took in a deep breath. "great, great, great, great, great grandma?" he finished and we all gave him a puzzled look.

     "That means you're our--," I glanced from Karai's face to Mikey, patting his arm to catch his attention. He peeked at me and I shook my head, telling him to not repeat Splinter with an extra 'great' thrown in.

     "Please, I have just endured 500 years of misery," she spoke up, managing to stand on her own and I took a small step back toward the boys.

     "Hey, so Gram-Gram-- it is Gram-Gram, right?" Leo put a hand to his chin as he spoke. "We thought we were getting a weapon from the Twilight Realm and not a. . . you," he raised a brow curiously.

     "I am the weapon," she informed the boy and I caught her before she had the chance to collapse again. Splinter waved a hand and one of the boys brought over a crate for Karai to sit down on.

     "Many generations ago, Oroku Saki was the leader of a peaceful clan called the Foot. For years, our clan prospered, but there was a great darkness on the horizon. The Foot were attacked and driven to the brink of destruction. When all hope seemed lost, Oroku Saki made a deal with a powerful oni.

     "This demon offered him a suit of dark armor that would make him invincible. But it came at a cost. The armor corrupted his soul, giving birth to the Shredder, who led the Foot down a path of evil. I had no choice but to rise up against him, starting a clan of my own-- the Hamato. 

     "No mortal weapon could defeat the Shredder, so I resolved to make the ultimate sacrifice, taking Shredder and myself into the Twilight Realm. It was the only way to stop. . . my father," Karai held a hand to her face as she recalled her life in the past.

     "Hold on," my eyes glanced to the Turtles who wore shocked expressions. "Shredder is your dad?" Leo asked, earning a nod from the woman.

     "Indeed he is," she replied. "So long as I was in the Twilight Realm, Shredder would never reach full strength."

     "So, us bringing you back kind of. . . ruined everything?" Raph asked, a drop of sweat running down the side of his forehead.

     "Yes, it did," Karai said, sounding rather irritated. How could they have known? "Thankfully you have been trained in the traditional Hamato Ninpo," she smiled up at the Turtles who gave her confused looks.

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