Smart Lair

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        ~Normal POV~

     I gripped the bar of the ladder tighter as I adjusted my backpack straps with my other hand. I could feel myself being thrown off balance by the weight and I had no plans of plummeting from halfway down this ladder and down into the lair. I heard excited chatter as I made my way further down, dropping to my feet.

     "Hey, guys," I waved to the Turtles who immediately stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me abruptly. "Is this a bad time?" I glanced around to see a small robot flying around and cleaning.

     "Perfect timing, actually," Leo slid closer, eyeing the bag I wore. "What'cha got there?"

     "Just some things I've been collecting for the past month," I shrugged the bag off and it dropped to the floor with a thud. When I say backpack, I really mean duffel bag.

     "You hide a body in there? Need help burying it?" Leo pulled his sword out, ready to portal to a secret location.

     "No, no," I quickly denied his suggestions. I unzipped the bag, pulled out four separate packages, and handed them to the boys that surrounded me in hopes to get a glimpse into the bag. "I know Leo's been wanting matching onesies, so I managed to find these, and they're your guys' signature colors. And I found these cool Lou Jitsu phone charms that I thought you might like," I held up a small packet that held a couple of charms that three of the boys wrestled for. "And, I know you already know so much, but I bought these from the bookshop at me and April's college," I hefted a couple of books from the duffel bag and offered them to the purple ninja who decided his brother's little tussle was dumb.

     "That's. . ." he took the books from me. "That's really thoughtful of you," his eyes glanced over to the robot that was by Splinter at the moment and his face dropped to an unreadable expression. I peeked into the bag to see if I missed anything else, but there was nothing.

     "Donnie! Y/n!" I looked at the orange turtle who was in the onesie already, along with Raph and Leo. "Shelldon's playing the movie!" he waved us over excitedly and I moved to sit beside him.

     "Comfy, I hope?" I smiled at the boy who nodded. I loved his child-like enthusiasm for the small things in life. I ruffled the hood on his head with a wide grin. "I'm glad."

     After the movie, the boys, excluding Donnie, were insisting I stay the night, so I told my mom I would be at April's house for the night before following the boys into the arcade. I leaned in between Mikey and Donnie as they played some helicopter racing game while Leo and Raph were getting their shells massaged not too far away.

     "How 'bout some music, Shelly, baby?" I glanced at Raph as he spoke to the robot. Techno music began playing in the arcade and Donnie's head bopped to the music subtly, but it made me grin at him enjoying himself. "Got anything less ear-bleeding? This is awful!"

     "Correction: this is Master Donnie's number one playlist," the robot moved like it was shaking its head.

     "My fave songs to which I may jammy-jam," Donnie did a small shimmy with his shoulders as he spoke.

     "Great massage, bro," Leo complimented and Donnie wore a proud smile. "You know, this is your first non-boneheaded invention," Donnie whipped his head to look at his twin.

     "How dast you insult one as selfless and as pure as Master Donatello?" Shelldon was quick to defend the purple turtle who nodded along in agreement.

     "What he said," Donnie replied and I held back the urge to give him a small hit on the back of the head. He was acting more selfish than a few days prior, not taking anything his brothers might have liked into account, and programming the bot to defend him over anything.

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