Flushed, but Never Forgotten

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was curled up beside Donnie, who was passed out. We were having a sleepover, which was quite normal for us. I was overheating a bit at the closeness, and his bed was just normally heated up. After both of us confessed our feeling, there was no move after that. We've hugged, we've kissed, but neither of us asked the other out.

     I was frustrated, I guess. What were we now? Friends with benefits? Partners? A groan of frustration left my throat as I was overthinking things again. I felt Donnie shift beside me and my eyes gazed at him. He was still in a deep slumber and I sighed quietly as his arm wrapped around my abdomen.

     I leaned down and pecked the top of his head, looking at him lovingly before I decided that I should try and get some sleep before the boy woke up. Donnie tended to wake up a few times during the night and would wake me to keep him company. I wasn't sure if it was night terrors or just his insomnia in general, maybe even both, but he didn't like the thought of being alone when he woke up in the middle of the night.

     Before my head could even hit the pillow, Leo was standing in the doorway with an antsy-looking Mikey. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes rapidly looking around the lair. Leo told us we needed to go somewhere more private, which apparently meant the roof of a building in the pouring rain.

     "You gotta believe me!" Mikey cried out after explaining the whole situation, nightmare included so I could know the whole story. "Piebald's back. She's after us because we flushed her."

     "Relax," Raph said with a slight lisp. I had never seen the boy with headgear before, and I had spent plenty of nights with the boys at the lair. "I'm not a scientist, but this is 100% just your guilt glands secreting guilt-zymes into your central guilt-us system," Mikey turned to Donnie to see if he agreed with his eldest brother.

     "Raph is right. He is not a scientist," he said and turned with a shrug. "But separately, he's also right that this Piebald jazz is in your head," he flicked his brother's snout.

     "No, it's not," Mikey cried out. "We have to tell Dad the truth," he argued as the rain soaked into my clothes. I was becoming more tired, meaning I was more irritable.

     "Mikey is right. Just tell your dad the truth so I can get some rest," I crossed my arms as I stood beside Mikey.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Leo shoved me and Mikey to the side. I felt my fists clench and Mikey grabbed my wrist to keep me from leaping at Leo at wrapping my hands around his neck. "We're not telling Dad anything. Look, we all miss her, but a year ago, we stood on this roof and decided--"

     "You decided," Mikey glared at Leo who shared the gaze.

     "We decided to replace Piebald with an identical goldfish so Dad's heart wouldn't be broken," Leo put emphasis on 'we' and my brows furrowed. I wasn't there that night, I don't think we had even met yet, actually, but I did recall seeing Splinter pour fish food into an empty bowl a few times. "He wins, we win, and Piebald wins."

     "Piebald got flushed!" Mikey yelled at his older brother.

     "Uh, if I may--" Raph and Donnie pushed Mikey down to ignore his cries. "Leo's idea about the whole not getting in trouble thing-- very convincing,' the soft-shelled turtle shrugged with a grin.

     "I second that," Raph said with a nod.

     "Looks like everyone agrees with me that we renew our pact of secrecy and never tell Dad the truth," Leo peered in the direction of the manhole. "One, two, three, let's go," Leo stuck his hand in, followed by Raph and Donnie, then me and Mikey's hands were forced into the pile.

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