Author's Note

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since it might be a bit before i get another update out, here are some headcanons i have, feel free to add on to it in the comments! there are slight spoilers to the second book i released about the movie.

i'm going to sleep now, but enjoy these, i'd love to see you guys' ideas as well :)

movie + both seasons

all of the turtles have come to y/n at least once to vent to them

y/n will cuddle w any of the boys to cheer them up

y/n is on the autism spectrum/neurodivergent

donnie is also on the spectrum + mikey has adhd

donnie, raph and mikey have lightning-like scars from opening the portal to save leo

raph is blind in the eye that the kraang growth was stuck on

donnie is still trying to make glasses to help y/n see again, despite them saying they don't need them

(they're more of a visor than glasses, and instead of green and red it'd be either purple, or blue and red)

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(they're more of a visor than glasses, and instead of green and red it'd be either purple, or blue and red)

leo will drag y/n from donnie's room after having a kraang nightmare so they can cuddle instead; he needs the presence of someone so he doesn't feel as alone as he did in the prison dimension

splinter and draxum have a sort of split custody with the boys; if they choose to stand the night at draxum's, they can

april + sunita are lowkey a couple

leo is gay/bi, donnie is ace + bi or pan, mikey is pan, raph is unlabeled, april is a lesbian, sunita is pan

names in each other's phones:

donnie-y/n LOML💜(upon mikey's suggestion)

leo-y/n Dweeb 2.0

raph-y/n Y/n

mikey-y/n N/n

y/n-donnie My Dork

y/n-leo Da Vinki?

y/n-raph Big Man

y/n-mikey The Doctor(who)

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