You Got Served

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was laying on Donnie's bed while he was sitting in a chair not too far from me. I had been watching the boys take place in a competition that ended in Mikey being the winner and Leo coming out in second place, which was not something he was used to.

     Sadly, this wasn't the infamous 'Lair Games' the boys spoke of all the time, I had missed that cause it was earlier in the year before I befriended the Turtles. Leo and Mikey had been called by Señor Hueso to help at Run of the Mill Pizza.

     "Don, I'm gonna make coffee," I lazily rolled off the warm bed and stood with a groan as I stretched my arms up, my shoulders popping with the motion. I was wearing a cozy outfit that was perfect for the bed and that got warm easily; boxers and a cropped shirt. When I had come down to the lair, I was covered by sweatpants and my zip-up sweater.

     "You know how I like mine," he smiled and rolled his chair towards the lair to signify to meet him there when it was ready. I made my way into the kitchen and pulled my phone from the band of the boxers and shot April a text.

     April, I have a boy problem. The message was seen almost instantly, even though the girl was supposed to be in class.

     Should I come over? Should I bring a weapon? Of course, she was a menace to society. I turned on the Keurig to heat it up while I grabbed K-Cups I had stashed away in the cabinets, grabbing two thermoses for me and the turtle. I leaned against the counter and pulled my phone up to my face.

     No need for violence, I just need to ramble. Okay? I immediately got the okay, my fingers moving quickly on the keyboard. Let's say I like a guy that I've known for maybe half a year, right? Maybe less, time flies quickly and I lose track. Anyway! He's sweet but also kind of a jerk, right up my alley. He's a genius and he just matches my energy. What I give, he gives back. Plus, he likes coffee, A. You know how I am with coffee.

     Do I also happen to know this guy? I froze up at her question, eyes peering at my phone. I pushed a thermos under the coffee machine after popping the K-Cup in, hitting the tallest cup setting.

     Hmm, sure in this metaphor, you know this guy. What would you do if you like a guy and have no idea if he just puts up with you because he has to? I let my classic overthinking get to me as I sent the message.

     Well, in this "metaphor" I might just let him know how I feel. What could go wrong? Literally anything and everything, I rolled my eyes at the girl brushing off my anxieties. I pulled out the first thermos when it finished filling up, swapping the K-Cups and replacing the thermos.

         ~Donnie's POV~

     April, I need to talk to you about something important. It took the girl a moment to respond to my urgent text.

     All right, shoot. I took a deep breath as I thought of how to word my next sentences.

     Let's say, metaphorically, I like someone. I don't know if that's what I'm really feeling, or if I'm enjoying the attention I don't normally get. Let's also say that in this completely metaphorical scenario I have something that is very dear to this person that is the reason I have been spending time with them. I fear that if this object is returned, they'll leave me alone and they won't want to hang out anymore. I looked at the word vomit on the screen, debating on sending it. And then I accidentally did when trying to backspace it.

     In this "completely metaphorical situation" do I happen to know this person? My fingers twitched nervously as I read April's message. Oh, I'm so stupid, how the heck could I send that to her? I quickly switched my phone off as I heard a knock at the entrance of the lab, Y/n standing there with two thermoses in their hands and a nervous grin.

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