Breaking Purple

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        ~Normal POV~

     I sat on the wooden island, watching Donnie make what he told me would be the most perfect meal to ever exist. He let out a chuckle as his creation was complete. "At last! My greatest creation! The ultimate evolution in breakfast sandwiches. A toasted avocado baco-bagel-rito. . ." he sniffed the sandwich as his goggles flipped up. "with cheese," the turtle was knocked over by Shelldon who flew through the kitchen.

      I watched as the sandwich soared through the air, knowing I couldn't catch it in time. Donnie exhaled as he caught the sandwich only for it to burst at the seams and cover him in cheese. The drone flew past the turtle again with enough speed the cheese flew off him.

     "Shelldon!" Donnie's fingers curled up in anger as his brows furrowed and his eye twitched. "I told you no drone racing in the lair!" he shouted at the robot as he stormed out of the kitchen, me following in toe.

     "You guys have a giant skate ramp in the house and I can't race?" Shelldon gestured to the ramp behind him as he shouted back. 

     "No, you can't," Donnie crossed his arms and glared at the drone.

     "Why?" Shelldon hovered closer to Donnie's face as if he was testing him.

     "Because I said so, emailed so, and texted so," Donnie rattled off, the legs of the spider shell pulling out his laptop and phone as he went off.

     "That's so unfair!" Shelldon turned away from the boy. "I'm sick of this shell-pression," he flew off to blow off some steam.

     "Problem, Donald?" Mikey slid into my view, wrapping an arm around Donnie, using his free hand to scoop the leftover cheese from his brother's head.

     "It's Shelldon," Donnie pinched the bridge of his snout.

     "We just upgraded his operating system to version 13," I told Mikey, gaining the box turtle's attention while the soft-shelled turtle tried to calm his anger.

     "Wow, 13," Mikey commented as we watched the drone fly away. "Feels like yesterday he was just a twinkle in your toolbox."

     "Yeah, and now he's a pain in my shell," Donnie glared after the bot. "He charges until noon, he's always coding back to me, and now he's drone racing all over the house," he rambled on. "I don't know what to do."

     "This is why I'm the cool parent," I leaned against the pipe that led into the kitchen. "He's a kid, D, he needs to have fun sometimes, too," the turtle glared back at me and I raised my hands defensively. "That works on Splinter for you guys, why doesn't it work on you for Shelldon," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

     While Donnie was dragged away by Mikey, I went off to find Shelldon. "Hey, Shelly?" I called out, hoping the old nickname would catch the drone's attention. Soon enough, he flew out and joined me by one of the ramps.

     "Are you gonna yell at me like Donnie?" he asked nervously and I patted the top of his head.

     "No, no," I sat down and Shelldon lowered beside me. "I think D is just stressed," I looked off at where the two turtles once stood. "I mean, his whole life had been leading up to some 'destiny' that almost got us all killed. And he's kind of a parent now, he has you," I mused with a small grin. "And then there's 'us,'" I made air quotes and Shelldon bumped my shoulder with his head.

     I put a hand on his head comfortingly. "But that's mushy stuff you probably don't want to hear about. Anyway, being a parent is hard sometimes Shelldon, he needs time is all. I told him you need to be allowed to be a kid, but he's stubborn and might not listen. Next time you're drone racing, be a bit more careful, yeah? I won't tell on you," I smiled and helped myself up. "Go be a kid, Shelly."

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