Pizza Pit

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        ~Normal POV~

     The boys were hopping over rooftops cheering for some pizza week with me in toe with the help of the hover shell. I thought it was strange how often Donnie lent me his tech, but I was grateful.

     "Everybody set your stomachs to 'I'm not stopping till I explode' mode," Raph wrung his hands together. "It's time we get our pizza on!"

     "Get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop, and my personal favorite, Lou Mike-Toney's Pizza," Mikey drawled out the name and pointed to the building. I peered down over the roof to see the building collapse into a pit. "No!" he cried out as he witnessed the destruction.

     "Where did it go?" Raph looked down after it was already gone, Mikey on his knees, holding his head as tears pricked his eyes.

     "Oh, I think it closed," Leo said as he moved to the edge as well.

     "My phone says it's open till 10:00," Donnie said as I glanced back at the boy who was still by the middle of the roof.

     "Who would do this?" Mikey threw his arms out as I patted his shell. "Why Pizza Supreme in the Sky? Why do you test us like this?" he went silent as his brothers didn't say a word about Mikey's distress. "Why aren't you guys more upset?" he yelled at the others. Raph and Leo tried to avoid his gaze while Donnie scrolled through his phone.

     "Oh!" Raph turned his head, not able to make up a reason.

     "What a tragedy," Leo shook his head and clutched his sword tighter at Mikey's glare.

     "Oh, man. . . that just. . . hurts me," the purple turtle spoke flatly, not showing interest in his brother's grief. "Uh, I'm very sad?" he said unsurely as if he didn't know if it was the right emotion for what happened.

     "You didn't like Lou Mike-Toney's?" he peered at the others and Donnie moved over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

     "Yeah, I found a bug once, and that was really it for me," he placed his other hand on Mikey's free shoulder in a comforting way as the youngest brother started sobbing. "Okay, now that we've all moved on, let's get us some of my favorite, Tony Lou's pizza!" Donnie took us to a pizza place a few blocks away. As we stared at the pizzeria, it fell with another explosion, making Donnie and Mikey freak out.

     "I only pretended to care when it happened to Mikey's favorite place," the purple turtle's brows creased and his fists tightened as he looked at the hole where the pizza place once stood. "But now that it's happened to me, I hurt," tears glossed his eyes and I gave him a sympathetic look and rubbed his shoulder gently.

     "Both our favorites were sink-holed!" Mikey spun around and pulled his brother into a tight hug. "This is the worst Pizza Week ever!"

     "To lose one pizza place is just New York real estate," Donnie regained his bearings as he tried to come up with a reason for the sudden destruction. "But to lose two pizza places is. . . a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top!" we went back to the Turtle Tank where Donnie set up a corkboard in. 

     A map of the city was pinned onto it, as well as markers of where all the pizza places were. Donnie had also pinned a bunch of pictures, menus, and business cards pinned down, connecting with a red string. "What do Lou Mike-Toney's and Tony Lou's pizzerias have in common?" Donnie pointed to the two places. I rubbed Mikey's shell as he cowered under a blanket that was tugged over his head and faced away from his brothers.

     "Besides both being pizza places?" I glanced back at the boys once more and Donnie pointed at me like I was a genius.

     "Exactly! They are both pizza places, but not just any pizza places," Donnie began pacing in front of the board. "Two of our favorite pizza places. And what's the key thing they have in common?" he pointed at Raph.

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