Hot Soup: The Game

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        ~Normal POV~

     We hovered behind Mikey, watching a video promotion for an old Lou Jitsu game, piquing the boy's interest. "Action star Lou Jitsu is back in 'Hot Soup: The Game'!" the spoke up in a dramatic voice, one of the ones who you hear advertising an action movie. The ad went on to show the old movie star and the villain, a construction worker, who stole his cupped ramen. "60 levels of chop-socky violence," the screen ended with the star holding the game cartridge with a sly grin.

     "Lou Jitsu was in a video game?" Donnie was the first to speak up as the others let out gasps.

     "We gotta get it," Mikey gazed intensely at the screen. "We gotta get it! Accessing worldwide inter-tubes," Mikey pulled up another site to find the game. "Hmm. Lou Jitsu nunchucks, Lou Jitsu sunglasses-- oh! Here it is," he swiped through the page till he found what they were looking for. "Lou Jitsu's 'Hot Soup: The Game.' Montes Auction House. Buy it now!" he pushed down on the screen, solidifying the purchase.

     "Oh, baby!" he cheered for himself at their achievement. "We are the proud owners of one very old, mint-condition copy of 'Hot Soup: The Game'!"

     "Wait a minute, you bought it at an auction house?" Raph's gaze hardened as he looked at his youngest brother. "How are we gonna pick it up with, uh, this whole situation?"

     "That's not your problem, 'cause I'm gonna go get it-- by myself!" the orange turtle said confidently as he pointed to himself.

     "What? By yourself?" over-protective brother Raph came out at his brother's suggestion. "Are you out of your ooze-twisted mind?"

     "I'm not a baby, Raph," he argued back. "I got the squills, the moves, the ninja realness!" he hopped around to prove his pointed, slamming down a smoke bomb and disappearing. "I'm ready for my first solo mission."

     "Of course you are-- in seven to ten years," Raph shot back.

     "Raph, he's not a kid anymore, he's 18," I stood beside the boy with my arms crossed. "Mikey can handle himself just fine. It's a simple mission anyway. Get in, get the game, get out."

     "Yeah, Raph. You went out on your own when you were a lot younger than he was," Leo said in agreement with my argument.

     "Yeah, but when I was his age back then I was two years older," Raph replied, leading me to stare at him in confusion. "Donnie, would you please talk some sense into these guys?" he turned to the purple ninja who was in his own world while scrolling through his phone.

     "Hmm?" his head whipped back as he glanced between us. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Y/n said is probably right," I gave Raph a smug grin.

     "Thanks for believing in me, Donnie," Mikey ran up to hug his brother from behind, the leg from the spider shell reaching back to pat the boy's head. "Leo, Y/n, I love you," he tugged me and Leo into a hug. "As for you, Raph, you get last game!" he poked the eldest boy's face as he teased him before racing out of the lair.

     "Hey, Mikey, you forgot your--" Raph called but the orange ninja was already long gone. While Raph paced back and forth in the ramp room, Leo, Donnie, and I lounged about. I was leaning over Donnie's shell as he showed me different ideas he had for Shelldon 2.0 before he settled on scrolling through his medias while I watched, sharing a small laugh every now and then.

     "Raph, why are you still freaking out over this?" I leaned back on Donnie's battle shell. "You should have more faith in your brother. He's getting stronger, you're all getting stronger. Letting Mikey do this on his own will make him a better ninja. Just give him a chance," I crossed my arms and the turtle paused mid-step.

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